20 Astronomical Survey Projects (105 records)


2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dF)
http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/2dFGRS/ - Categories: survey

2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ)
The official home page of the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ), an Anglo-Australian collaboration surveying 740 square degrees of high-galactic lattiude sky. It will contain more than 25 000 z<3 QSOs, making it far the largest QSO survey in existence. This web site describes the survey objectives, current status and is the primary site for public access to survey data products. Currently approximately half of the full data set is available online for download.
http://www.2dfquasar.org/ - Categories: survey optical

AKARI (formerly ASTRO-F) is an infrared sky survey mission from Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA) with the participation of the European Space Agency (ESA).
http://www.astro-f.esac.esa.int/ - Categories: telescope infrared space survey

APM Galaxy Survey
The APM Galaxy Survey contains over 2 million galaxies with Bj < 20.5 in the South Galactic Cap. This page provides a summary of the survey and some pretty pictures.
http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~wjs/apm_survey.html - Categories: survey pictures

APM POSS and UKST Sky Catalogues (APMCAT)
WWW access to machine based catalagues produced from Cambridge APM (Automatic Plate Measuring) Machine scans of UKST, POSS1 and POSS2 plates. The catalogues consist of both blue and red plate catalogues (i.e. O and E for POSS1 and B and R for UKST and POSS2). The catalogues are complete for mod(b)>30 degrees in the Northern Hemisphere and partially complete in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere.
http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~apmcat/ - Categories: survey

ATNF Parkes 21cm Multibeam Survey
The Parkes 64-m telescope is commencing an HI Southern Sky and Zone of Avoidance survey in 1996. The survey will cover redshifts up to 0.04, and be sensitive to objects with HI mass between 10^6 and 10^10 solar masses, depending on distance. This will be the first extensive "blind" survey of the 21cm extragalactic sky.
http://wwwatnf.atnf.csiro.au/research/multibeam/multibeam.html - Categories: survey radio

Aladin Sky Atlas
Aladin is an interactive sky atlas, developed at CDS (Strasbourg, France), allowing the user to visualize digitized images of any part of the sky, to superimpose entries from astronomical catalogs or personal user data files, and to interactively access related data and information from the Simbad, NED, and Vizier databases for all known objects in the field.
The set of sky images consists of the STScI Digital Sky Survey (DSS-I and DSS-II), as well as an ensemble of higher resolution images (ESO-R and SERC plates) digitized at the MAMA facility in Paris.
http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/ - Categories: infosys center survey

All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS)
The All Sky Automated Survey is a project which final goal is photometric monitoring of approx. 10 million stars brighter than 14 magnitude all over the sky. The prototype instrument, located at the Las Campanas Observatory (operated by the Carnegie Institution of Washington), and the data pipeline were developed by Dr. Grzegorz Pojmanski of the Warsaw University Observatory.
There is a mirror site in the USA.
http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~gp/asas/asas.html - Categories: survey

Andromeda Galaxy and Amplified Pixels Experiment (AGAPE)
AGAPE (Andromeda Galaxy and Amplified Pixels Experiment) is a French collaboration between CNRS (IN2P3 and INSU) and CEA (DSM/DAPNIA) laboratories.
The project is a search for microlensing on unresolved stars of the Andromeda M31 galaxy by MACHOs (baryonic dark matter candidates) of the halo of the Milky Way as well as of the halo of M31. [in French].
http://cdfinfo.in2p3.fr/Experiences/Agape/ - Categories: survey optical

Archeops balloon experiment (ARCHEOPS)
Archeops is an international collaboration aiming at measuring the Cosmic Microwave background anisotropies in the (sub)millimetre domain on a large area of the sky and with high angular resolution. The first balloon flight occured in July 1999 from Trapani ASI base. Next flights are planned from Kiruna in Sweden in December 2000 and January 2001.
http://www.archeops.org/ - Categories: survey other_astronomy

AstroGrid (UK Virtual Observatory)
AstroGrid is a project aimed at building a data-grid for UK astronomy, which will form the UK contribution to a global Virtual Observatory.
http://www.astrogrid.org/ - Categories: infosys comp_sci survey

Astrovirtel (Accessing Astronomical Archives as Virtual Telescopes)
The ASTROVIRTEL Project, supported by the European Commission and managed by the ST-ECF on behalf of ESA and ESO, is aimed at enhancing the scientific return of the ESO/ST-ECF Archive. It offers the possibility to European Users to exploit it as a virtual telescope, retrieving and analysing large quantities of data with the assistance of the Archive operators and personnel.
http://www.stecf.org/astrovirtel/ - Categories: center survey

Automated Plate Scanner (APS, Univ. Minnesota)
The APS Catalog of the POSS I contains millions of entries for stars and galaxies, and the corresponding Image Database contains their pixels and more. The data behind the Object Catalog and Image Database are generated from digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. Object Catalog entries include calibrated magnitudes in two colors, positions to 0.2 arcseconds, confidence measures on neural network image classifications, colors, and various other useful parameters.
http://aps.umn.edu/ - Categories: survey pictures

Balloon-borne Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation ANd Geophysics (BOOMERanG)
BOOMERANG is an instrument designed to measure anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~lgg/boomerang_front.htm - Categories: survey

Big Ear Radio Observatory Memorial website (Ohio State University)
Big Ear is a Kraus-type radio telescope which covers an area larger than three football fields. The telescope is famous for discovering some of the most distant known objects in the universe, and the longest-running SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) project.
http://www.bigear.org/ - Categories: telescope radio survey

Caltech Millimeter Array (Owens Valley Radio Observatory)
http://www.ovro.caltech.edu/mm/ - Categories: survey radio

Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS)
The CGPS is an international effort to map the interstellar matter in a large swath of our own Milky Way Galaxy at high resolution (atomic hydrogen and radio continuum emission).
http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/CGPS/ - Categories: survey

Carlsberg Meridian Telescope (CMT)
The Carlsberg Meridian Telescope (formerly the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle) is located on La Palma and is dedicated to carrying out high-precision optical astrometry.
http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~dwe/SRF/camc.html - Categories: telescope optical survey

Catalog of Infrared Observations (CIO)
The Catalog of Infrared Observations is a database of over 200,000 published infrared observations of more than 10,000 individual astronomical sources over the wavelength range from 1 to 1000 microns. The catalog is available for downloading via ftp.
http://ircatalog.gsfc.nasa.gov - Categories: survey center infrared

CfA 1.2 m Millimeter-Wave Telescope (CfA_mini)
The 1.2 meter Millimeter-Wave Telescope at the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and its twin instrument at CTIO in Chile have been studying the distribution and properties of molecular clouds in our Galaxy and its nearest neighbours for over 20 years.
http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/mmw/ - Categories: telescope radio survey

Consortium for European Research on Extragalactic Surveys (CERES)
CERES is a research network funded by the European Union through its Training and Mobility of Researchers (TMR) programme. The coordinator is Ian Browne at Jodrell Bank.
http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/research/gravlens/data/ceres.html - Categories: survey

DEep Near Infrared Survey of the Southern Sky (DENIS - IAP)
DENIS is a deep complete survey of the astronomical sources of the Southern Sky in 2 near-infrared bands (J at 1.25 micron & K at 2.16 micron) and one optical band (I at 0.8 micron) simultaneously, using a one meter ground-based telescope at La Silla (Chile), with limiting magnitudes 18.5, 16.5 and 14.0, respectively.
http://www-denis.iap.fr/denis.html - Categories: center infrared optical survey

DEep Near Infrared Survey of the Southern Sky: Point Source Database (DENIS)
DENIS is a deep astronomical survey of the Southern Sky in two near-infrared bands (J at 1.25 µ and K at 2.16 µ) and one optical band (I at 0.8 µ) simultaneously, conducted by a European consortium, using a one meter telescope (ESO, La Silla). The survey started in 1996 and is expected to be completed in 2000.
The Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) is implementing the final point source databases and is providing access of the processed and calibrated data to the worldwide community.
http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/denis.html - Categories: center infrared optical survey

DIRECT Project (Determining the distances to nearby galaxies)
We undertook a long term project, DIRECT, to obtain the direct distances to two important galaxies in the cosmological distance ladder -- M31 and M33, using detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs) and Cepheids.
http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~kstanek/DIRECT/ - Categories: survey optical

Dark Matter Telescope Project (DMT / LSST)
The Dark Matter Telescope, also referred to as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, is a proposed 8.4 meter, 3-degree-field, synoptic survey telescope.
http://www.dmtelescope.org/ - Categories: survey optical telescope

Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe (DEEP)
The Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe (DEEP) is a multi-year program which uses the twin 10-m Keck Telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope to conduct a large scale survey of distant, faint, field galaxies.
http://deep.ucolick.org/ - Categories: survey

Digital Sky Project
The Digital Sky Project: Federating the Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys.
http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/SDA/digital_sky.html - Categories: center survey

Digital Sky Survey (DSS)
The Digitized Sky Survey comprises a set of all-sky photographic surveys in E, V, J, R, and N bands conducted with the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes. The Catalogs and Surveys Branch (CASB) is digitizing the photographic plates to support HST observing programs but also as a service to the astronomical community.
Images of any part of the sky may be extracted from the DSS, in either FITS or GIF format.
http://stdatu.stsci.edu/dss/ - Categories: survey infosys optical

Digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS)
DPOSS is a program to photograph and catalog the entire Northern Sky.
http://taltos.pha.jhu.edu/~rrg/science/dposs/dposs.html - Categories: survey

EROS Experiment
In this (still experimental) server you may find general informations as well as the latest publications/preprints from the EROS collaboration. Our main topic is the search for microlensing amplification of the luminosities of LMC/SMC stars.
http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/recherche/eros/erosa.html - Categories: survey

ESO Imaging Survey (EIS)
During 1997-1998 ESO carries out a deep, multicolor imaging survey using EMMI on the NTT.
http://www.eso.org/eis/ - Categories: survey

ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey (ENACS)
ENACS is a database (Redshifts, positions, magnitudes) for more than 100 Nearby Abell Clusters.
http://alain.mazure.free.fr/ENACS.html - Categories: survey

ESO Slice Project: A Galaxy Redshift Survey in the South Galactic Pole Region (ESP)
Official Page of the ESO Slice Project.
http://www.bo.astro.it/~cappi/esokp.html - Categories: survey

Edinburgh Royal Observatory (ROE)
This site offers information about the extensive activities of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, a PPARC establishment responsible for building common-user IR and sub-mm instrumentation and managing telescope sites and data archive resources, as well as the UK Schmidt Telescope and the SuperCOSMOS measuring machine. The ROE site also has links to, or acts as the home page for:
  • Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh;
  • latest research e-prints;
  • the Crawford library;
  • the ROE Visitor Centre;
  • the UKIRT data archive;
  • Public Understanding of Science;
  • ROE Photolabs;
  • Teacher Research Inititive
and much more information besides.
http://www.roe.ac.uk/ - Categories: dept center infrared survey telescope

European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS)
ELAIS is a European collaborative venture to survey around thirteen square degrees of the sky using the Infrared Space Observatory. It is the largest single open time project of the ISO mission and will produce maps and source lists at 7, 15,90 and 175 microns
http://athena.ph.ic.ac.uk/ - Categories: survey

FIRBACK Survey (IAS, Orsay)
FIRBACK is a cosmological survey which used the Infrared Space Observatory to study the Cosmic Far Infrared Background, and distant galaxies.
The final products will include:
  • maps and galaxy catalogs of 3 fields of 4 square degree at 175 microns (using ISOPHOT)
  • maps of some interesting sources at 90 microns (using ISOPHOT)
  • maps and galaxy catalogs of 1 fields of 1 square degree at 15 microns (using ISOCAM)
  • maps and catalogs at various other wavelengths, from optical to radio.
http://wwwfirback.ias.u-psud.fr/ - Categories: survey

Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (VLA FIRST)
FIRST -- Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm -- is a project designed to produce the radio equivalent of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey over 10,000 square degrees of the North Galactic Cap. Using the NRAO Very Large Array (VLA) and an automated mapping pipeline, we produce images with 1.8" pixels, a typical rms of 150 Jy, and a resolution of 5" . At the 0.75 mJy source detection threshold, there are ~110 sources per square degree, ~35% of which have resolved structure on scales from 2-30" .
http://sundog.stsci.edu/ - Categories: survey radio

Fors Deep Field (FDF)
The FORS Deep Field is a key project of the FORS consortium (ESO VLT).
http://www.lsw.uni-heidelberg.de/users/jheidt/fdf/fdf.html - Categories: survey

Galactic Ring Survey (GRS)
Galactic Ring Structure.
http://www.bu.edu/galacticring/ - Categories: survey radio

Hipparcos space astrometry mission: Professionals, amateurs, and educators in astronomer should be interested in the (updated) Hipparcos astrometry mission www page, maintained by ESA. The monumental Hipparcos and Tycho star catalogues, with stellar positions, distances, and proper motions, double star data, and photometry (including thousands of light curves) was completed in June 1997. The 17-volume publication (including 6 ASCII CD-ROMs) can be ordered via the www page; the main catalogues can also be searched on-line, by object or sky region, with hyperlinks to the principal annexes. An "Educational Page" offers some ideas for observational projects for amateurs or for student projects, with the facility to search for the periods of variable stars interactively.
http://www.rssd.esa.int/Hipparcos/ - Categories: survey optical space

Hubble Deep Field (HDF)
The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) is a Director's Discretionary program on HST in Cycle 5 to image a typical field at high galactic latitude in four wavelength passbands as deeply as reasonably possible. In order to optimize observing in the time available, a field in the northern continuous viewing zone (CVZ) was selected and images were taken for 10 consecutive days, or approximately 150 orbits. Shorter 1-orbit images were also obtained of the fields immediately adjacent to the primary HDF in order to facilitate spectroscopic follow-up by ground-based telescopes. The observations were carried out from 18-30 December 1995, and the data are available to the community for study.
http://www.stsci.edu/ftp/science/hdf/hdf.html - Categories: survey

INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
The INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) is a medium size mission of the European Space Agency dedicated to gamma-ray astronomy. The INTEGRAL Science Data Center (ISDC) located in Geneva is the link between the astronomical community at large and the INTEGRAL spacecraft.
http://obswww.unige.ch/isdc/ - Categories: center high_energy survey

IRAS PSC Redshift Survey
The IRAS Point Source Catalog redshift survey is a survey of (almost) all of the 15,000 galaxies brighter than 0.6 Jansky at 60 microns, over 83% of the whole sky. The survey is virtually complete as of Jan 1995, and results on large-scale structure should appear in the next few months.
http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~wjs/pscz.html - Categories: survey

The ISO-HDF project has mapped the Hubble Deep Field at 6.7 and 15 microns, using the ISOCAM camera on the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Data and analysis products are made available to the community via this WWW page. Please note that the page is no longer actively maintained.
http://astro.ic.ac.uk/Elais/Hdf/ - Categories: survey

ISOGAL is a 7 and 15 micron survey of the inner Galactic disk performed with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) camera, ISOCAM, mostly with 6" pixels.
The ISOGAL sources are systematically cross-identified with the KJI sources of the DENIS survey.
http://www-isogal.iap.fr/ - Categories: survey misc

K2-OJOS (Pro-Am)
The K2-OjOS project (K2 OJimetrO Survey) is a pro - am and outreach collaboration of the Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologías del Espacio (ICTEA) of the University of Oviedo with members of the Sociedad Astronómica Asturiana Omega. The main aim of the project is to search and classify exoplanets and variable stars, starting from data obtained by the Kepler Space Telescope in its extended mission K2.
https://sites.google.com/view/k2ojos - Categories: pro-am
LAMOST Sky Survey Project (LAMOST)
LAMOST is a meridian reflecting Schmidt telescope. Using active optics technique to control its reflecting corrector makes it a unique astronomical instrument in combining large aperture with wide field of view. The available large focal plane may accommodate up to 4000 fibers, by which the collected light of distant and faint celestial objects down to 20.5 magnitude is fed into the spectrographs, promising a very high spectrum acquiring rate of ten-thousands of spectra per night. The telescope will be located at the Xinglong Station of National Astronomical Observatories. The project’s budget is RMB 235 millions yuan, about 28.5 million USD.
http://www.lamost.org/ - Categories: survey optical telescope

Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS)
Las Campanas Redshift Survey data and publications
http://qold.astro.utoronto.ca/~lin/lcrs.html - Categories: survey

MACHO project
The MACHO project is searching for dark matter in the form of Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs) using gravitational microlensing. We search for these events by monitoring over 10 million stars every night in the LMC and Galactic bulge, using the dedicated 50-inch telescope at Mt. Stromlo.
http://wwwmacho.anu.edu.au/ - Categories: survey optical

Magellanic Cloud Emission-line Survey (MCELS, UM/CTIO)
MCELS is a survey of two of our nearest neighboring galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The survey is done in the bright emission of Hydrogen (Halpha 6563), Sulfur ([S II] 6724), and Oxygen ([O III] 5007) from the interstellar gas of these two galaxies to study the properties, kinematics, and dynamics of the "violent" interstellar medium. Although the project just started recently, one can already see some samples of the utility as well as the beauty of emission-line imaging which will be brought to the astronomical community and the public in general. The survey is performed with the University of Michigan's Curtis Schmidt telescope, a 0.6/0.9m Schmidt located on Cerro Tololo and run by CTIO under a cooperative agreement with the University of Michigan.
http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~mcels/ - Categories: survey pictures

Medium Deep Survey (MDS)
The Medium Deep Survey (MDS) is an international project that uses the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in Pure parallel mode to study the nature of faint galaxies in the deepest regions of the universe. The released MDS database contains model fits for about 64000 objects in 185 WFPC2 fields, observed in most cases using the F814W(I), F606W(V) and for few in F450W(B) photometric filters. Some fields overlap each other, and duplicate observations of the same object has not yet been cross-identified.
http://archive.stsci.edu/mds/ - Categories: survey

Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA)
The Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) Project is a joint Japanese/New Zealand experiment established in 1995 to carry out astrophysical observations from New Zealand using `gravitational microlensing' and related techniques.
http://www.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/moa/ - Categories: survey

Multiwavelength Milky Way
Images of the Milky Way galaxy in the light of several spectral lines and continuum bands, spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from radio to high-energy gamma-ray, are presented. The display is interactive, allowing zooming and panning of the images, each of which covers the entire sky within ten degrees of the Galactic plane. Explanatory text and links to the data sources and references are included. The Multiwavelength Milky Way site is an educational service of the Astrophysics Data Facility at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
http://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov/mw/milkyway.html - Categories: education high_energy optical pictures radio survey

Munich Near Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS)
Deep survey of one square degree in total in K' (19.5) and J with additional optical imaging in B, V, R, and I. More than 550 spectra have been taken and galaxy catalogues are available. See Drory et al. 2001 MNRAS 325, 550 for a detailed description.
http://capella.usm.uni-muenchen.de/~drory/munics/munics.html - Categories: survey

NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS)
The NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) is mapping the sky north of -40 deg declination at 1.4 GHz. The principal data products are (1) 4 deg X 4 deg continuum maps " cubes" with three planes containing Stokes I, Q, and U images, (2) source lists, and (3) processed (u,v) data sets. The maps have 45 arcsec FWHM resolution and nearly uniform rms noise, about 0.45 mJy/beam = 0.14 K (Stokes I) and 0.29 mJy/beam (Stokes Q and U). The rms uncertainties in right ascension and declination vary from 0.3 arcsec for strong (S > 30 mJy) point sources to 5 arcsec for the faintest (S ~ 2.5 mJy) detectable sources.
http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~jcondon/nvss.html - Categories: survey

Nearby Field Galaxy Survey (NFGS)
The Nearby Field Galaxy Survey (NFGS) aims to construct a spectrophotometric reference atlas and catalog of the observable properties of ~200 nearby field galaxies. This survey is designed to be a benchmark for interpreting the spectra and imagery of distant galaxies.
The NFGS web-pages are currently hosted and maintained at the Arizona State University at www.public.asu.edu/~rjansen/nfgs/.
http://www.public.asu.edu/~rjansen/nfgs/ - Categories: survey optical

Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE - Warsaw University)
The OGLE project is a long term microlensing survey with main target being the search for dark matter in the Galaxy and possibly also in the Magellanic Clouds. The second phase of the project is realized on a dedicated 1.3m Warsaw telescope located in Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. Every night up to 30 million stars are measured in the Galactic Bulge, LMC and SMC.
http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ - Categories: survey optical

Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS)
Pan-STARRS - the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System - is a wide-field imaging facility being developed at the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy.
http://pan-starrs.ifa.hawaii.edu/public/ - Categories: telescope survey

Polyclystic Pilot Survey of Intracluster Light (PoPSIcL Project)
We propose to search for and quantify the properties of the intracluster light (ICL) in galaxy clusters as a function of cluster environment.
http://smaug.astr.cwru.edu/sar9/project.html - Categories: survey

Postage Stamp Server for NVSS Radio Sky Survey (NVSS Postage Stamp Server)
This Web page allows the user to obtain "postage stamp" FITS images of selected, small fields from the NRAO/VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). Either 1950 or 2000 positions are supported as are a number of projective geometries. This survey is being done with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Very Large Array telescope at a wavelength of 20 cm (1.4 GHz) and is producing images of the sky north of declination -40 deg with a resolution of 45". Both total intensity and linear polarization is being imaged. This project began in September 1993 and the main body of observations will be finished in the Summer of 1996. Results are being made available as they are produced.
http://www.cv.nrao.edu/NVSS/postage.html - Categories: survey radio

Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork (PLANET)
The PLANET collaboration is a worldwide network of astronomers with access to Dutch, South African, and Australian telescopes. The primary goal of PLANET is the study of microlensing anomalies (departures from an achromatic point-source, point-lens light curve) through multi-band, rapidly-sampled photometry. An ultimate goal is to place constraints on the number and distribution of planets around other stars.
http://planet.iap.fr/ - Categories: survey optical

ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS at MPE)
The ROSAT All-Sky X-ray Survey was obtained during 1990/1991 using the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) in combination with the ROSAT X-ray Telescope (XRT).
http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/rosat/survey - Categories: survey high_energy

Radio Surveys of the Southern and Northern Sky
This page attempts to list some of the survey work at radio wavelengths in both the southern and northern hemispheres. Links to the data from these surveys are included, where available.
http://www.parkes.atnf.csiro.au/research/surveys/surveys.html - Categories: survey

SDSS Science Archive (SkyServer)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to survey a 10000 square degree area on the Northern sky over a 5 year period. A dedicated 2.5m telescope is specially designed to take wide field (3x3 degree) images using a 5x6 mosaic of 2048x2048 CCD's, in five wavelength bands, operating in scanning mode. The total raw data will exceed 40 TB. A processed subset, of about 1 TB in size, will consist of 1 million spectra, positions and image parameters for over 100 million objects, plus a mini-image centered on each object in every color. The data will be made available to the public after the completion of the survey.
http://cas.sdss.org/ - Categories: survey

The UC Berkeley SETI Program, SERENDIP (Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations) is an ongoing scientific research effort aimed at detecting radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. The project is the world's only " piggyback" SETI system, operating alongside simultaneously conducted conventional radio astronomy observations. SERENDIP is currently piggybacking on the 1,000-foot dish at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the largest radio telescope in the world.
http://seti.ssl.berkeley.edu/ - Categories: survey radio

SETI Australia Centre (UWS)
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Australia Center supports SETI-related high school and university science education, SETI research and public outreach programs from the University of Western Sydney Macarthur. Its research project, Southern SERENDIP, is an eight million channel spectrum analyzer piggy-backing onto conventional radio astronomy observations for the next five years at the Parkes 64 metre radio telescope in NSW,Australia.
http://seti.uws.edu.au/ - Categories: survey education radio

SETI Institute (SETI)
The SETI Institute (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) serves as an institutional home for scientific and educational projects relevant to the nature, distribution, and prevalence of life in the universe. The mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe. The SETI Institute is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research, education and public outreach. Founded in 1984, the Institute today employs over 100 scientists, educators and support staff. Research at the Institute is anchored by two centers, each directed by a renowned scientist who holds an endowed chair.
http://www.seti.org - Categories: society education radio survey

SETI@home (SETI at home)
SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes batches of radio telescope data, for signals which may be transimtted by intelligent extra terrestrial life.
http://www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ - Categories: survey radio

SIRTF Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE)
SWIRE is an approved Legacy Progarm of the SIRTF mission. SWIRE is a wide-area, high galactic latitude, imaging survey to trace the evolution of dusty, star-forming galaxies, evolved stellar populations, and active galactic nuclei as a function of environment from redshifts, z ~ 3, when the Universe was about 2 billion years old, to the present time. SWIRE will survey approximately 70 square degrees with the MIPS far-infrared camera and the with the IRAC mid-infrared camera.
http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/SWIRE/ - Categories: survey

STellar Astrophysics & Research on Exoplanets (STARE)
STARE (STellar Astrophysics & Research on Exoplanets) uses precise time-series photometry to search for extrasolar giant planets transiting their parent stars. An important byproduct of STARE will be an unusually complete survey of variable stars within its selected fields-of-view.
http://www.hao.ucar.edu/public/research/stare/stare.html - Categories: telescope optical planetary survey

Sandage Two-color Survey of the Galactic Plane
The examination of the Sandage two-color photographic survey of the galactic plane taken in support of the Uhuru X-ray satellite project (1969-1972) is a continuing project headed by Howard Lanning (CSC/STScI). Several hundred faint UV sources including many old novae, white dwarfs, cv's, Be shell stars, etc. have been identified and presented in the literature and posted on the WWW. The survey comprises over 100 Palomar (48-in.) Oschin Schmidt plates extending to a limiting B magnitude of ~20.
http://www.stsci.edu/~lanning/index.html - Categories: survey

SkyView is a facility available over the net which allows users to retrieve data from public all-sky surveys conveniently. The user enters the position and size of the region desired, and the surveys wanted and the data is extracted and formatted for the user. Documentation available through anonymous ftp.
http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/ - Categories: infosys survey

Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey's goal is to probe the large-scale structure of the universe by systematically mapping in detail one fourth of the sky. The survey will produce a catalog of roughly 100 million objects, with redshifts to more than a million galaxies and quasars.
http://www.sdss.org/ - Categories: survey

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
STScI is responsible for the scientific operations of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). STScI is operated by Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under contract to NASA.
http://www.stsci.edu/ - Categories: dept center infrared library optical software space survey ultraviolet

Stardial:an autonomous astronomical camera on the World Wide Web (Stardial)
Stardial delivers images of the night sky nearly in real-time to the world wide web. It is used primarily for educational purposes. Its archive consists of images taken at 15 minute (sidereal) intervals since July 1996. The survey covers from 0 to -8 degrees declination to 12th magnitude. Highlights and possible classroom assignments are described.
http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/stardial/ - Categories: education survey telescope

Supernova / Acceleration Probe (SNAP)
The Supernova / Acceleration Probe (SNAP) Mission is expected to provide an understanding of the mechanism driving the acceleration of the universe. The satellite observatory is capable of measuring up to 2,000 distant supernovae each year of the three-year mission lifetime.
http://snap.lbl.gov/ - Categories: survey optical space telescope

Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS)
SUMSS is a deep radio survey of the entire sky south of declination -30 degrees, made using the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope, operating at 843MHz and recording right-circular polarization.
SUMSS matches (approximately) the resolution and depth of the NRAO-VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). The principal data products are mosaics which cover a 4x4 degree square on the sky. The centres of the mosaics mirror the NVSS centres in the north. The resolution is 45" x 45"/sin(dec), and the rms noise limit varies from 1.3 to 2mJy/beam (lower toward the south celestial pole).
The survey began in March 1997 and will take eight years to complete. SUMSS is suported by funding from the Australian Research Council.
The primary reference for a description of the survey is: Bock, D., Large, M. and Sadler, E.
http://www.astrop.physics.usyd.edu.au/SUMSS/ - Categories: survey radio telescope

The Amateur Sky Survey (TASS)
The TASS project has constructed low-cost drift-scan cameras and distributed them to sites around the world. The goal is to monitor bright objects across a large section of the sky.
http://www.tass-survey.org/ - Categories: survey optical

Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Image Gallery
Gallery of three-color near-IR JHKs composite Atlas Images of interesting and beautiful objects from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS).
http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/gallery/ - Categories: pictures survey

Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS)
Infrared detector technology has made such huge advances in the past decade that the only existing near-infrared sky survey, which was carried out at Caltech nearly 25 years ago, no longer serves as a useful context within which to interpret observations or select sources for study. The University of Massachusetts is therefore leading a new project, called the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), which will canvas the entire sky for stars and galaxies as much as 50,000 times fainter than the stars seen in the last survey.
http://pegasus.phast.umass.edu/ - Categories: survey

UK Schmidt Telescope - Wide Field Astronomy Unit (UKST)
The initial task of the UKST was to construct a photographic survey of the entire southern sky. The telescope still takes some 700 plates a year - about half for current surveys and the remainder taken at the request of research astronomers around the world. To date the UKST has taken over 17,000 plates, the plates are stored in the Plate Library at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (ROE) and represent a huge source of data for the astronomical community. Some 300 active research programmes make use of UKST plate material. Many plates are copied in the ROE Photolabs and sold as Sky Atlases or Teaching Packages. In addition to its photographic role the UKST also has a multi-object fibre spectroscopy system known as FLAIR.
http://www.roe.ac.uk/ifa/wfau/ukstu/ukst.html - Categories: telescope center education other_library survey

UTR-2 catalogue
The very-low frequency sky survey of discrete sources has been obtained in the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Kharkov, Ukraine) with the UTR-2 radio telescope at a number of the lowest frequencies used in contemporary radio astronomy within the range from 10 to 25 MHz.
http://www.ira.kharkov.ua/UTR2/ - Categories: survey radio

VIsible and IR MultiObject Spectrographs (VIRMOS)
The VIRMOS project aims to deliver 2 spectrographs for the ESO- VLT . VIMOS is a visible imaging spectrograph with outstanding multiplex capabilities, allowing to take spectra of more than 800 objects simultaneously (10 arcsec slits), or spectroscopy of all objects in a 1x1 arcmin2 area. NIRMOS is a near-infrared imaging spectrograph with a multiplex of 180 (10 arcsec slits), and allows spectroscopy of all objects in a 30x30 arcsec2 area. Together VIMOS and NIRMOS allow to get spectroscopy from 0.37 to 1.8 microns, with unsurpassed efficiency for large surveys.
http://www.eso.org/instruments/vimos/ - Categories: telescope infrared optical survey

VLT Survey Telescope (VST)
The VST project is a cooperation between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory (OAC) for the study, design and construction of a wide field alt-az telescope of 2.6 m aperture, specialized for high quality astronomical imaging to be installed and operated on Cerro Paranal, next to ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT).
http://oacosf.na.astro.it/vst/ - Categories: telescope optical survey

Virtual Sky (Federated Sky Surveys)
A portal to multiple representations of the night sky, including a high-resolution (1 second/pixel) optical survey of the Northern sky and the Uranometria engravings from 1603.
http://virtualsky.org/ - Categories: center infosys survey

Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA)
VISTA is the Visible and Infrared Telescope for Astronomy: a 4-m Wide Field Survey telescope for the Southern Hemisphere, being built at Cerro Paranal, close to ESO VLT, by a consortium of 18 UK universities.
http://www.vista.ac.uk/ - Categories: survey infrared optical telescope
Vigilantes de la Noche (Pro-Am)
Un proyecto de ciencia ciudadana en el que se toman medidas del brillo del fondo del cielo para evaluar el impacto de la contaminación lumínica.
https://www.vigilantesdelanoche.es/ - Categories: pro-am
Vulcan Camera Project
The Vulcan Camera Project, sponsored by NASA Ames Research Center, is designed to detect transits of large extrasolar planets using differential photometry.
Vulcan uses a 15cm aperture refactor at Lick Observatory to image a wide field in which ~6000 stars are monitored for two months, in a search for the ~1% transit signal expect from a 51 Pegasi-type planet.
Vulcan is a ground-based test-bed for the proposed Kepler Mission to detect Earth-sized exoplanets.
http://web99.arc.nasa.gov/~vulcan/ - Categories: survey optical planetary telescope

Whole Earth Telescope (WET, site of University of Texas at Austin)
The Whole Earth Telescope (WET) is a collaboration of astronomers who observe variable stars (white dwarfs and Delta Scuti stars) and cataclysmic variables Typically twice a year, we coordinate a global time-series photometry campaign at ~10 observatories worldwide such that our target objects are visible from the night side of the planet 24 hours a day
http://bullwinkle.as.utexas.edu/ - Categories: telescope survey

Wide Field CAMera for UKIRT (WFCAM)
WFCAM is an IR wide field camera for the UK Infrared Telescope on Mauna Kea. WFCAM will be operational as an IR imaging survey instrument in late 2002. The camera has been designed to maximize survey speed at J, H and K while retaining excellent image quality.
http://www.roe.ac.uk/atc/projects/wfcam/ - Categories: survey infrared telescope

Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM)
The Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper will produce a survey of H-Alpha emission from the interstellar medium (ISM) over the entire northern sky. The instrument combines a 24-inch telescope and a high-resolution, 6-inch Fabry-Perot spectrometer to achieve 8-12 km/s velocity resolution in one-degree beams on the sky. By utilizing CCD technology, we hope to attain a sensitivity level of 0.01 Rayleighs. This survey, the first of ionized hydrogen in our galaxy, will be used to explore the spatial and kinematic structure of the warm ionized component of the ISM. WHAM is currently at Pine Bluff Observatory but will move to Kitt Peak, Arizona in the Fall of 1996 for the survey, which should take about 2 years.
http://www.astro.wisc.edu/wham/ - Categories: survey optical

XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (XMM SSC)
The XMM Survey Science Centre (SSC) has responsibilities within the XMM project in three main areas:
  • the follow-up/identification programme for the XMM serendipitous X-ray sky survey
  • the development of science analysis software for XMM
  • the "pipe-line processing" of all XMM observations.
http://xmmssc-www.star.le.ac.uk/ - Categories: center high_energy space survey

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