18 Solar System Objects other than Sun or Earth (83 records)


Absolute Astronomical Accelerometry (AAA)
A new spectroscopic technique dedicated to the search of extrasolar planets and stellar oscillations [in French].
http://www.aero.jussieu.fr/experience/AAA/ - Categories: planetary

Advanced Fiber-Optic Echelle (AFOE)
A Spectrograph for Precise Stellar Radial Velocity Measurements.
http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/afoe/ - Categories: telescope optical planetary

Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (ALPO)
An educational organization that instucts observers in proper technique, collects amateur observations and promulgates them to the professional community.
http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/alpo - Categories: society astroweb education misc other_astronomy planetary

A planned ESA cornerstone mission to Mercury.
http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/area/index.cfm?fareaid=30 - Categories: planetary space

Big Occulting Steerable Satellite (BOSS)
The Big Occulting Steerable Satellite (BOSS) project is designed to provide improved resolution of closely spaced objects with comparable brightnesses (binary stars, microlensing events, ...) and to facilitate separation of dim objects from nearby bright objects (such as planets around stars).
http://boss.phys.cwru.edu/ - Categories: planetary

COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits - Asteroseismology and Search for Exoplanets (COROT)
A space mission of the French Space Agency (CNES), with a launch planned in 2006. COROT stands for COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits.
http://www.lam.oamp.fr/projets/corot/ - Categories: telescope optical planetary space

CalTech - Planetary Astronomy
http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~pa/ - Categories: dept planetary

Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn & Titan (Cassini)
Saturn and Titan will be the destination for the Cassini mission, a project under joint development by NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The U.S. portion of the mission is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/home/ - Categories: planetary center infrared optical particles radio space telescope ultraviolet

Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculation Institute (IMCCE-BdL, Paris Obs.)
The Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Ephémérides du Bureau des Longitudes publishes ephemerides and performs research activities related to solar system objects, celestial mechanics and astrometry.
http://www.imcce.fr/imcce_en.html - Categories: dept planetary

Center for Advanced Space Studies (CASS)
The Center for Advanced Space Studies is a major research and conference facility built by Universities Space Research Association (USRA) in 1991 in Houston, Texas. Since the completion of the CASS facility in December 1991, it has housed the four Houston activities of USRA: Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), Exploration Science Institute (ESI), Division of Space Life Sciences (DSLS), Division of Educational Programs (DEP).
http://www.lpi.usra.edu/CASS_home.html - Categories: center planetary

Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS / RPIF)
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and its Regional Planetary Image Facility (RPIF) located at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution are pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. The purpose of this NASA supported RPIF is to act as a reference library providing planetary science researchers with access to the extensive collection of image data from planetary missions. Currently we are in the process of placing some of the 300,000 photographs and images of the planets and their satellites in our collection online.
http://www.nasm.si.edu/ceps/ - Categories: center pictures planetary

Circumplanetary Dust Dynamics: from Birth to Death (Astronomical InSt. Petersburg)
The modeled E ring of Saturn is presented. The page is related to Cassini project, and introduces the research of the faint circumplanetary dust complexes to everybody.
http://www.astro.spbu.ru/staff/dikarev/valery/ering.html - Categories: education misc planetary

Cluster II, ESA's spacefleet to the magnetosphere
The Cluster II mission of the European Space Agency is a four-spacecraft mission to carry out three-dimensional measurements in the Earth's magnetosphere, covering both large- and small-scale phenomena in the sunward and tail regions.
http://sci.esa.int/cluster/ - Categories: planetary solar space

Color Stereo Photos of Mars from the 2004 Rovers (marscolorstereo)
These are colorized versions of the black/white stereo photographs that the NASA/JPL Mars Exploration Rovers sent back in 2004. Both anaglyphs and side-by-side (geowall) photos are available. These were colorized and used in a 3d exhibit at the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum in Chicago.
http://astro.uchicago.edu/cosmus/projects/marsstereo/ - Categories: pictures planetary space

Comet Home Page
A page about comets.
http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/faculty/jewitt/comet.html - Categories: planetary pictures

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (NASA-GSFC)
http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/comet.html - Categories: earth pictures planetary space

Comets and Meteor Showers
This site gives the complete text to the 1988 book Meteor Showers: A Descriptive Catalog, as well as recent meteor shower observations. The site also posts a wealth of comet information from news of recent discoveries, finder charts, and ephemerides, to extensive historical information on individual comets.
There is a European mirror site.
http://comets.amsmeteors.org/ - Categories: misc education full_text planetary

Daily Martian Weather Report
The Daily Martian Weather Report is produced by the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team (MGS RST). When the MGS mapping sequence begins, the page will contain a daily weather report for the planet Mars based on radio occultation measurements of the temperature and pressure profiles of the Martian atmosphere. Currently, the site contains information about the MGS mission and the Radio Science Team, the radio occultation technique for study of planetary atmospheres, profiles of the atmosphere of Venus acquired during occultations of the Magellan spacecraft, and information for K-12 educators interested in e-mail communications between their classes and members of the MGS RST.
http://nova.stanford.edu/projects/mgs/dmwr.html - Categories: planetary radio weather

EXtrasolar Planet Observational Research Team (EXPORT)
EXPORT is a consortium of European astronomers using the telescopes on La Palma and Tenerife to study extra-solar planets, as well as the formation and evolution of protoplanetary systems.
http://laeff.inta.es/EXPORT/ - Categories: planetary

Exploration of Neighboring Planetary Systems (ExNPS)
NASA's plan for the Exploration of Neighboring Planetary Systems (ExNPS) consists of a long term program of continuous scientific discovery and technological development leading ultimately to the detection and characterization of Earth-like planets around nearby stars.
http://origins.jpl.nasa.gov/library/exnps/ExNPS.html - Categories: telescope infrared optical planetary space

Extrasolar Planet Search (Berkeley)
Geoff Marcy and Paul Butler site at San Francisco State University.
http://exoplanets.org/ - Categories: misc planetary

Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes (Geneva Observatory)
http://obswww.unige.ch/~udry/planet/planet.html - Categories: misc planetary

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
This resource, maintained by Jean Schneider (Observatoire de Paris), provides updated information about the search for extrasolar planets.
It includes a Catalog of Extrasolar Planets and a list of meetings.
http://www.obspm.fr/encycl/encycl.html - Categories: misc center meetings planetary

GSFC's Exploration of the Universe Division (EUD)
NASA-GSFC's Exploration of the Universe Division conducts and supports astroparticle (gamma-ray and cosmic-ray), X-ray, gravitational-wave, observational cosmology, exoplanet and stellar astrophysics research.
http://universe.gsfc.nasa.gov/ - Categories: center high_energy infrared planetary space ultraviolet

Galilean Satellite Eclipse Timings
Precise timings of Galilean satellite eclipses using CCD cameras.
http://www.amsmeteors.org/mallama/galilean/ - Categories: planetary

High Accuracy Radial velocity Planetary Search (HARPS)
http://obswww.unige.ch/Instruments/harps/ - Categories: planetary

INTERBALL is the solar-terrestrial programme aimed to study various plasma processes in the Earth magnetosphere by the system of spacecraft consisting of two pairs (satellite-subsatellite) above the polar aurora and in the magnetospheric tail respectively. The project INTERBALL is a part of of the Programme coordinated by the Inter-Agency Consultative Group (IACG) for Space Science consisting of representatives of ESA, NASA, RKA and Japan Institute of Space and Aeronautics Sciences. According to this Programme a system of ten core spacecraft of the listed above agencies is spatially distributed between the L1 and L2 Sun-Earth libration points to study solar-terrestrial relationship.
http://www.iki.rssi.ru/interball/ - Categories: telescope particles planetary radio space

Icarus (International Journal of Solar System Studies)
ICARUS is the official publication of Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society and is dedicated to reporting the results of new research-- observational, experimental, or theoretical-- concerning the astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific aspects of our solar system or extrasolar systems. It is published monthly by Academic Press, Inc.
Icarus is now available through IDEAL, Academic Press' online scientific journal library. This server also contains information for authors planning to submit papers to Icarus and subscription information.
http://icarus.cornell.edu - Categories: full_text planetary

Infra-Red Space Interferometer DARWIN (IRSI / DARWIN)
The `InfraRed Space Interferometry Mission' DARWIN (IRSI or DARWIN) is a cornerstone mission in the ESA `Horizon 2000+' science plan.
The goals for this space mission is for the first time to detect terrestial planets in orbit around other stars than our Sun.
http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/area/index.cfm?fareaid=28 - Categories: telescope infrared planetary space

Infra-Red Telescope Facility (IRTF)
The IRTF is a 3.0 meter telescope optimized for use in the infrared. It was first built to support the Voyager missions to Jupiter. It is now the USA National facility for infrared astronomy providing continued support to planetary and deep space applications.
http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu - Categories: telescope infrared optical planetary

Io - Jupiter's Volcanic Moon
An in-depth study of the volcanic features and processes on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io.
http://www.planetaryexploration.net/jupiter/io/index.html - Categories: planetary education pictures

Italian Institute of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics (IASF)
Institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) devoted to research in the fields of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics. The main science and technical activities at IASF cover microwave, infrared, optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray windows of the electromagnetic spectrum. Scientific activity at IASF concerns the various fields of astrophysics, such as: high energy galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, cosmic ray physics and solar astrophysics, cosmic background studies and cosmology, planetology. IASF Headquarters are in Rome, while the three other sections are in Milan, Bologna, and Palermo.
http://www.iasf.cnr.it/ - Categories: dept planetary space

Kepler's Laws with Animation (Kepler, Brahe, Kepler's Laws)
Kepler's Laws are presented with animation. Included is a brief history of Kepler and Brahe.
http://www.cvc.org/science/kepler.htm - Categories: history education planetary

Kharkov National University - Astronomical Observatory (KhAO)
Kharkov Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine). Astrophysical research of Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids, comets, stars, extragalactic objects. Astrometry. Time service. Education. Recent publications. Scientific seminar of KhAO.
http://www.univer.kharkov.ua/astron/ - Categories: dept planetary

Kuiper Belt Page (KBOs)
The study of the trans-Neptunians (occupying the Kuiper Belt) is a rapidly evolving field, with major observational and theoretical advances in the last few years. A partial list of relevant papers is included in this site.
http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~jewitt/kb.html - Categories: planetary

Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systemes Atmospheriques (LISA)
Recherche atmospherique. [in French]
http://www.lisa.univ-paris12.fr/ - Categories: planetary

Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics is an institute of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado. Members of LASP conduct basic experimental and theoretical research into fundamental questions in the areas of planetary science, atmospheric composition and processes, and solar physics. Members of LASP also explore the potential uses and development of space operations and information systems as well as develop scientific instrumentation.
http://lasp.colorado.edu/ - Categories: dept planetary solar

Lunar and Planetary Laboratory - Department of Planetary sciences (LPL)
http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/ - Categories: dept planetary

Magellan Mission to Venus - Image Browser (PDS Imaging Node. JPL. NASA)
Online access to the full set of Magellan images (specifically the MIDRs) that have been published on CD-ROM by NASA.
http://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/PDS/public/magellan/midrcd_query.html - Categories: planetary center pictures

Mars Express
Mars Express, so called because of the rapid and streamlined development time, represents ESA's first visit to another planet in the Solar System. Borrowing technology from the failed Mars 96 mission and from the upcoming ESA's Rosetta mission, Mars Express will help answer fundamental questions about the geology, atmosphere, surface environment, history of water and potential for life on Mars.

Mission Objectives
  • Search for subsurface water
  • Global high-resolution photogeology and mineralogical mapping
  • Analysis of atmospheric composition and circulation
  • Deployment of geochemistry and exobiology lander, Beagle 2, onto the surface
  • Communications relay
http://sci.esa.int/marsexpress - Categories: planetary space

Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES)
This is the homepage for the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), in the Department of Geology at Arizona State University. TES is one of five instruments on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. The goal of this website is to present up-to-date information about the TES instrument and its activites at Mars as well as information about infrared spectroscopy and links to many other Mars-related sites. We also have a very active Mars K-12 Outreach Program.
http://tes.asu.edu/ - Categories: planetary

Mars Pathfinder
Home Page of the Mars Pathfinder Mission
http://mpfwww.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Categories: planetary

McGill University - Earth and Planetary Science
The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences of McGill University have available an interactive Atlas of impact craters and coronae structures of Venus. The Face of Venus, enables browsers to interactively access a geographical database of these features. Craters or coronae can be selected by size, type, and name status to create user-generated maps of the selected features, as well as a text listing. A dynamic ISMAP is created with clickable areas where users can obtain more information about any feature viewed on the map, or directly from the text list. Users may also elect to examine the distribution of their selected features by using hierarchical cluster analysis to generate a dendrogram of any groupings.
http://www.eps.mcgill.ca/ - Categories: dept planetary

Microlensing Planet Finder Project (MPF, ex-GEST)
The Microlensing Planet Finder Project (MPF) is by far the most powerful proposed observatory for finding large numbers of planetary systems. It answers the following questions: How many planets are there? How are they distributed in mass and distance from their parent stars, and in distance from the Galactic Center? How many have large moons? How many have been expelled from their systems? None of these questions are fully addressed by other techniques particularly if the abundance is low. MPF will do this by observing microlensing signals from 100 million stars in the Galactic bulge for 4 observing seasons, and it will have sensitivity to planets with masses as low as 0.1 M\oplus at separations > 0.7 AU. MPF will be sensitive to analogs of all the planets in the solar system except for Mercury and Pluto and will complement the Kepler mission.
http://bustard.phys.nd.edu/GEST/ - Categories: telescope optical planetary space

Microlensing Planet Search Project (MPS)
The Microlensing Planet Search Project (MPS) searches for evidence of extra-solar planets using the gravitational microlensing technique.
http://www.nd.edu/~srhie/MPS/ - Categories: planetary

Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX)
The MSX observatory is a Ballistic Missile Defense Organization project which offers major benefits for both the defense and civilian sectors. It was launched on a Delta II vehicle on April 24, 1996, into a 900 km, polar, near-Sun synchronous orbit. The spacecraft featured an advanced multispectral image capability to gather data on test targets and space background phenomena.
The infrared sensors operated at 11 to 12 degrees Kelvin by employing a solid hydrogen cryostat. The IR instruments span the range 4.2 - 26 microns. The focal plane array consists of five bands and the radiometer beam-size is more than 25 times smaller than IRAS. As a result, much greater spatial resolution than anything currently available has been obtained. The cryogen phase of the mission ended on 26 February 1997. During the ten month cryogen phase of the mission over 200 Giga Bytes of data on Celestial Backgrounds were obtained.
See the MSX Celestial Backgrounds Team Home Page for additional details.
http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/ipac/msx/msx.html - Categories: telescope center infrared physics planetary solar space

Muenster Institute of Planetology
The Institut für Planetologie performs teaching and research in Planetary Sciences with a particularly interdisciplinary approach including geochemical, geological, geophysical, and mineralogical methods.
http://ifp.uni-muenster.de/ - Categories: dept planetary

NASA Planetary Data System (PDS)
The Planetary Data System (PDS) archives and distributes digital data from past and present NASA planetary missions, astronomical observations, and laboratory measurements. The PDS is sponsored by NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications to ensure the long-term usability of data, to stimulate research, to facilitate data access, and to support correlative analysis. Subnodes include: MIT Microwave Subnode , Infrared Subnode , among others. There is a telnet_pds_guest_account at JPL.
http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Categories: infosys planetary

Near Earth Object Program (NEO)
The Near-Earth Object Program Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was established by NASA in mid-1998 to help coordinate, and provide a focal point for, the study of those comets and asteroids that can approach the Earth's orbit.
http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Categories: planetary

Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT)
NEAT is an autonomous celestial observatory located at the USAF/Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) site on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii. It is designed to complete a comprehensive search of the sky for near-Earth asteroids and comets.
http://neat.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Categories: planetary optical telescope

Nine Planets (a tour of the solar system)
A descriptive page about each major object in the solar system.
http://www.seds.org/billa/tnp/ - Categories: education pictures planetary

North Carolina State University - Mars Mission Research Center
Co-located at North Carolina State University in Raleigh (NCSU) and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro (A&T), the Mars Mission Research Center (M2RC) is one of eight University Space Engineering Centers established by NASA in 1988. The goal of the Center is to focus on research and educational technologies necessary for planetary exploration, especially transportation to and from Mars.
http://www.mae.ncsu.edu/mmrc/ - Categories: center planetary space

Notebook of a Comet Hunter (Tim Harincar)
Logs and notes of an amateur astronomer's search for undiscovered comets.
http://www.skyrover.net/notebook/ - Categories: misc education planetary

Orbital Mechanics Educational Network (OMEN)
The Orbital Mechanics are a network group specialising in space and astronomy education for all age profiles. Operating from the UK the group runs a travelling Space Roadshow and other projects suitable for pre-teens and teenagers. Additionally, there is a "popular" programme of lectures suitable for the public of all ages.
http://homepages.primex.co.uk/~omen/ - Categories: education planetary

PDS Imaging Node (PDSIMG)
The Imaging Node of the Planetary Data System is the curator of NASA's primary digital image collections from past, present, and future planetary missions. The node provides to the NASA planetary science community the digital image archives, necessary ancillary datasets, software tools, and technical expertise necessary to fully utilize the vast collection of digital planetary imagery.
http://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Categories: center education infosys infrared optical pictures planetary software space ultraviolet

PDS Imaging Node's Planetary Image Atlas (PDSIMG Atlas)
The Atlas is designed to be a single interface through which you can search for, display, and download full resolution data for all planetary missions. It will eventually replace individual existing browsers. Until that time, links to the individual browsers are provided from this central location. Current missions included in the Atlas are: 2001 Mars Odyssey, Mars Global Surveyor, Magellan, Clementine, Viking, Mars Pathfinder, Voyager, and Galileo.
http://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/Atlas/ - Categories: center infrared optical pictures planetary space ultraviolet

Pioneer Project (NASA/Ames)
Pioneer 10 and 11 mission descriptions.
http://spaceprojects.arc.nasa.gov/Space_Projects/pioneer/PNhome.html - Categories: planetary

Views of the Solar System presents a vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific information, or study the history of space exploration, rocketry, early astronauts, space missions, spacecraft through a vast archive of photographs, scientific facts, text, graphics and videos.
http://www.planetscapes.com/ - Categories: education earth history other_astronomy pictures planetary solar space

Planetary Atmospheres Node (NASA/PDS)
http://atmos.nmsu.edu/ - Categories: planetary infosys

Planetary Science Institute (PSI)
The Planetary Science Institute (PSI) is a non-profit organization ( a division of San Juan Institute) that conducts a wide variety of basic research in planetary science and allied fields. Established in Tucson, Arizona, in 1972, the Institute has a number of multi-faceted research programs in planetary astronomy, lunar and planetary geology, and planetary geophysics and dynamics. PSI's Astrophysics Group conducts research on cataclysmic variables, CCD observational techniques and instrumentation, multi-wavelength observations, faint object photometry, and extra-Solar planet searches. PSI currently emphasizes Mars, satellites, asteroids , and comets, as well as the origin of planets. Our scientists have participated in NASA spacecraft missions, such as Mariner 9, Viking, and Mars Observer, and are presently involved in the Galileo Mission to Jupiter and the NEAR Mission to Eros.
http://www.psi.edu/ - Categories: dept planetary

Planetary Society
In 1980, Carl Sagan and Bruce Murray founded The Planetary Society to promote the exploration of our solar system (and others) and the search for extraterrestrial life. In its first year, the Society became the fastest growing nonprofit membership organization of the decade. We now number over 100,000 members around the world--the largest nongovernmental space organization on Earth.
http://planetary.org/ - Categories: society planetary

Planetary Surfaces (PlaNet)
An online lab used in the lab section of the Astronomy 101 course at the University of British Columbia
http://www.astro.ubc.ca/courses/Planets/planets.html - Categories: education planetary

Planetary researches in Kazakhstan (Planlab)
The studies of planets and other solar system bodies are described on a base of the researches in Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Physics of Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).
http://members.tripod.com/~Planlab/index.html - Categories: planetary pictures

Project Galileo: Bringing Jupiter to Earth
Launched in 1989, the Galileo spacecraft arrived at Jupiter on December 7, 1995, when it fired its main engine for a successful orbit capture around Jupiter. On that day, Galileo's atmospheric probe plunged into Jupiter's atmosphere and relayed information on the structure and composition of the solar system's largest planet. The spacecraft's orbiter will spend the next two years orbiting the giant planet, studying Jupiter and its moons (encountering one moon during each orbit), and returning a steady stream of images and scientific data. The first two encounters were successfully performed with Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, on June 27, 1996 and September 6, 1996.

There is a mirror site at: http://galileo.ivv.nasa.gov/

http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/ - Categories: planetary space

ROSETTA: ESA's Rendez-vous Mission with a Comet
ESA's Rosetta spacecraft will be the first to undertake the long-term exploration of a comet at close quarters. Rosetta was launched as flight 158 on 2 March 2004 by an Ariane-5G rocket from Kourou, French Guiana. After entering orbit around Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014, the spacecraft will release a small lander onto the icy nucleus, then spend the next two years orbiting the comet as it heads towards the Sun. On the way to Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Rosetta will receive gravity assists from Earth and Mars, and fly past main belt asteroids.
http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Rosetta/index.html - Categories: planetary space

STellar Astrophysics & Research on Exoplanets (STARE)
STARE (STellar Astrophysics & Research on Exoplanets) uses precise time-series photometry to search for extrasolar giant planets transiting their parent stars. An important byproduct of STARE will be an unusually complete survey of variable stars within its selected fields-of-view.
http://www.hao.ucar.edu/public/research/stare/stare.html - Categories: telescope optical planetary survey

Saturn Ring Plane Crossings of 1995-1996 (JPL)
During 1995 and 1996, the rings of Saturn were seen edge-on from the Earth's perspective on three ocassions, and from the Sun's perspective once. This is a rare event that only occurs every 15 years. The triple ring plane crossings are particularly favorable in providing astronomers a unique opportunity to observe Saturn's rings and moons.
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/saturn/ - Categories: planetary

Service d'Aeronomie
[in French]
http://www.aero.jussieu.fr/ - Categories: planetary solar

Shaukat on Moon Sighting (Earliest Crescent Moon Sighting)
Earliest visibility of moon across the globe, calculated by the latest criterion developed by Shaukat
http://moonsighting.com/ - Categories: planetary education

Sky View Cafe (SVC)
Sky View Cafe is a Java applet you can use to get localized star charts, ecliptic charts, rise and set times of the Sun, Moon, and planets, Moon phases, and many other bits of astronomical data in a very interactive way.
http://www.skyviewcafe.com - Categories: software education planetary

Solar System in Pictures
Pictures of all the planets in the solar system. Picture quizzes about all the planets.
http://www.the-solar-system.net/ - Categories: education pictures planetary space

Solar Voyager
Solar Voyager is an educational site featuring information about our solar system, along with interesting space artwork.
http://www.solarvoyager.com/ - Categories: education pictures planetary solar

Terrestrial Planet Finder (Origins of Stars, Planets... and Life) (TPF)
The Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) is a key element of NASA Origins Program. It will study all aspects of planets: from their formation and development in disks of dust and gas around newly forming stars to the presence and features of those planets orbiting the nearest stars; from the numbers at various sizes, and places to their suitability as an abode for life. By combining the high sensitivity of space telescopes with the sharply detailed pictures from an interferometer, TPF will be able to reduce the glare of parent stars by a factor of more than one hundred-thousand to see planetary systems as far away as 50 light years.
http://tpf.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Categories: telescope infrared optical planetary space

Transits of Extrasolar Planet (TEP)
The TEP network is a group of collaborators searching for Transits of Extrasolar Planets. The major effort is directed towards the observation of the eclipsing binary star CM-Draconis for signs of the presence of planets using the transit method.
http://www.iac.es/proyect/tep/tephome.html - Categories: planetary

USGS Flagstaff Space Mission Support
Browse the Solar System . Information about the Solar System and products created by the USGS. Current Activities, NASA Missions. Some of the NASA missions and other projects on which our scientists are currently working. Databases. Space mission databases maintained by USGS Flagstaff Field Center.
http://wwwflag.wr.usgs.gov/USGSFlag/Space/space.html - Categories: planetary center pictures

Umbral Missions Blocking Radiating Astronomical Sources (UMBRAS)
UMBRAS is a technique and a class of space science missions. The UMBRAS goal is direct observation of planets around other stars.
http://www.stsci.edu/~jordan/umbras/ - Categories: planetary space

Universities Space Research Association (USRA)
The Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is a private, nonprofit corporation organized in 1969 by the National Academy of Sciences at the request of NASA. Upon incorporation, the Association was vested in a consortium of universities. That consortium now consists of seventy-eight member universities.The Association is chartered to provide a means through which universities and other research organizations may cooperate with one another, with the government of the United States and with other organizations toward the development of knowledge associated with space science and technology. The Association is further chartered to acquire, plan, construct and operate laboratories and other facilities for research, development and education associated with space science and technology.
http://www.usra.edu/ - Categories: dept planetary space jobs

University of California - Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP)
The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) is a multi-campus research unit of the University of California. Its fundamental mission is to promote and coordinate basic research on the understanding of the origin, structure, and evolution of the Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe, and on the prediction of future changes, as they affect human life. The Institute was founded at UC Los Angeles in 1946 and expanded to include eight branches (UCLA, UCSD, UCR, UCSC, LANL, LLNL, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley) since then.
http://www.igpp.ucla.edu - Categories: dept planetary

University of Maryland - Planetary Data System (PDSSBN)
This node is currently located in the Astronomy Department of the University of Maryland, College Park. It supports the publicly accessible files for the Planetary Data System Small Bodies Node, and the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Bulletin Board.
http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/ - Categories: dept planetary

Venus Revealed Images (Images of Venus and Venus exploration craft)
A choice selection of images of Venus and Venus exploration craft from the book Venus Revealed by David Grinspoon.
http://www.funkyscience.net/ - Categories: planetary pictures space

Views Of The Solar System
Views of the Solar System presents a multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more.
http://www.planetscapes.com - Categories: education earth history other_astronomy pictures planetary solar space

Vulcan Camera Project
The Vulcan Camera Project, sponsored by NASA Ames Research Center, is designed to detect transits of large extrasolar planets using differential photometry.
Vulcan uses a 15cm aperture refactor at Lick Observatory to image a wide field in which ~6000 stars are monitored for two months, in a search for the ~1% transit signal expect from a 51 Pegasi-type planet.
Vulcan is a ground-based test-bed for the proposed Kepler Mission to detect Earth-sized exoplanets.
http://web99.arc.nasa.gov/~vulcan/ - Categories: survey optical planetary telescope

Welcome to the Planets
This is a collection of many of the best images from NASA's planetary exploration program.
http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/ - Categories: planetary education pictures

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