44 Journals and Astronomical Publications (255)


AAS Journals
The American Astronomical Society (AAS) is an international non-governmental organization with a mission to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the universe as a diverse and inclusive astronomical community. To further support the Society’s mission and provide immediate access to important research, the AAS will be transitioning its entire journals portfolio to fully open access (OA) as of 1 January 2022. As of that date all content — past, present, and future — will be immediately and openly accessible: anyone can read and download anything in the portfolio and there will be no subscription fees or paywalls.
Acta Astronomica
Acta Astronomica is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering astronomy and astrophysics. It was established in 1925 by the Polish astronomer Tadeusz Banachiewicz. Acta Astronomica is an International Quarterly Journal published by Copernicus Foundation for Polish Astronomy. Acta Astronomica is keeping a small archive where authors publishing papers in the journal can make their data available for the astronomical community.
https://acta.astrouw.edu.pl/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text

Acta Cosmologica (1974 - 1998)
The main goal of Acta Cosmologica consists in something more then only publishing strictly scientific results in the field of cosmology and related areas. Cosmology -- by its very nature -- poses many problems concerning fundamental physics, mathematical methods, philosophy and history of science. Its place and role within the family of empirical sciences remains still an open question.
http://www.oa.uj.edu.pl/ac/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text

*Advances in Astronomy
Advances in Astronomy publishes in all areas of astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology, and accepts observational and theoretical investigations into celestial objects and the wider universe.
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aa/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Advances in Space Research
The COSPAR publication Advances in Space Research (ASR) is an open journal covering all areas of space research including: space studies of the Earth's surface, meteorology, climate, the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system, upper atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth and planets including reference atmospheres, space plasmas in the solar system, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, fundamental physics in space, space debris, space weather, Earth observations of space phenomena, etc.
https://www.journals.elsevier.com/advances-in-space-research - Categories: astrophysics full_text
African Skies
African Skies/Cieux Africains is published by the Working Group on Space Sciences in Africa. It is distributed to individuals and institutes involved in research and education in the space sciences in Africa. The editor-in-chief is P. Martinez (South African Astronomical Observatory).
http://www.saao.ac.za:80/~wgssa/archive.php - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Active Galaxies Newsletter (1997 - 2017) (Jodrell Bank Obs. - Manchester Univ.)
Monthly newsletter of abstracts on all aspects of active galaxies.
http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~agnews - Categories: full_text abstracts
Amateur Astronomy Magazine
The essential quarterly journal for amateur astronomers around the world.
Facebook - Categories: astrophysics full_text
American Astronomical Society Photo Bulletin (1969 - 1986)
The AAS Photo-Bulletin - v.1-43: 1969-1986 issues are available through the Astrophysics Data System.
ADS - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Annalen van de Sterrewacht te Leiden (1868 - 1966)
The observatory was initially located on the university building in the centre of Leiden before a new observatory building and dome were constructed in the university's botanical garden in 1860. It remained there until 1974 when the department moved to the science campus north-west of the city. Notable astronomers that have worked or directed the observatory include Willem de Sitter, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Jan Oort.
ADS - Categories: astrophysics full_text  
Annales D´Astrophysique (1938 - 1968)
French Service d'Astrophysique.
ADS - Categories: astrophysics full_text
*Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
The Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, in publication since 1963, covers the significant developments in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, including: the sun; solar system and extrasolar planets; stars; the interstellar medium; galaxy and galaxies; active galactic nuclei; cosmology; and instrumentation and techniques, and the history of the development of new areas of research.
ADS (1963 - 1995) - Categories: astrophysics full_text 
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
The Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, in publication since 1973, covers significant developments in all areas of earth and planetary sciences, from climate, environment, and geological hazards to the formation of planets and the evolution of life.
ADS (1973 - 1996) - Categories: pes full_text 
APS - News
Physics newsflashes by  American Physical Society. The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance the knowledge of physics.
https://aps.org/publications/apsnews/ - Categories: physics full_text

Arkiv för Astronomi
Publicado por la Real Academia Sueca de Ciencias , su publicación comienza en 1955 y se edita cada dos meses. Posteriormetne forma parte de la revista Astronomy & Astrophysics.
ADS (1955 - 1974)  - Categories: astrophysics full_text
 ASP Conference Series
The ASP Conference Series publishes timely accounts of the important meetings in astronomy & astrophysics. Since 1988, the ASP has published eight monographs and over 500 conference proceedings volumes, preserving for posterity the latest results in astronomy, astrophysics, space science, and astronomy education from conferences and workshops held around the world.
https://astrosociety.org/news-publications/aspcs - Categories: full_text meetings

Astro PAH
AstroPAH is a newsletter focused on research about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in astronomical environments.
Twitter  - Categories: astrophysics full_text

The most-cited peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the understanding of life's origin, evolution, and distribution in the universe, with a focus on new findings and discoveries from interplanetary exploration and laboratory research.
Twitter  - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astrodynamics is a peer-reviewed international journal that is co-published by Tsinghua University Press and Springer. The high-quality peer-reviewed articles of original research, comprehensive review, mission accomplishments, and technical comments in all fields of astrodynamics will be given priorities for publication.
https://www.springer.com/journal/42064 - Categories: full_text
Astronomer's TELegram (ATEL)
Telegram service for the reporting and commenting on new astronomical observations.
http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/ - Categories: full_text infosys
Astronomía es la primera revista española que se puso a la venta en quiosco dedicada integramente a la divulgación de la astronomía, la astrofísica y las ciencias del espacio.
Twitter  - Categories: full_text
Astronomía Digital
Astronomía Digital es la primera publicación electrónica de distribución gratuita en español orientada a la astronomía aficionad.
http://www.astro-digital.com - Categories: full_text

Astronomía UAI
ASTRONOMIA è la rivista dell’Unione Astrofili Italiani. Questa pubblicazione esiste da più di 25 anni e raccoglie i contributi originali di carattere osservativo, scientifico, divulgativo e didattico degli Astrofili Italiani.
Facebook  - Categories: full_text
*Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions
Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions provides a forum for the rapid publication of material from all modern and classical fields of astronomy and astrophysics, as well as material concerned with astronomical instrumentation and related fundamental sciences. It includes both theoretical and experimental original research papers, short communications, review papers and conference reports.
https://www.aaptr.com  - Categories: full_text library
*Astronomical Review
Publishing reviews of research into all aspects of astronomy, contributions span the fields of astrophysics, cosmology, high energy physics, and planetary science, as well as developments in instrumentation, modelling, computational methods, and astronomical software.
https://www.tandfonline.com  - Categories: full_text library

Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets
FOR some nine years past, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (Merchant's Exchange Building, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.) has issuedat first irregularly, then bi-monthly, and later, in response to growing demand, once every montha series of leaflets explaining, in simple but authoritative terms, astronomical matters of general interest
ADS - Categories: full_text library
*Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notices (News in Astronomy and Astrophysics)
AN is the oldest astronomical journal of the world that is still being published. In its renewed appearance it is intended to serve as a supplement in all fields of astrophysical research including instrumentation, numerical methods, solar and stellar astrophysics, extragalactic and cosmological research. It can be used also for refereed workshop proceedings.
ADS - Categories: full_text library
Astronomy.com is produced by the publishers of the world's best selling English magazine of the same name. Like its sister publication, Astronomy magazine, Astronomy.com offers visitors a wide variety of information for both hobbyist and armchair astronomers alike.
http://www.astronomy.com - Categories: astrophysics full_text education
*Astronomy & Geophysics (Royal Astronomical Society)
Astronomy & Geophysics is a journal for the publication of serious scientific papers on a range of subjects within the remit of the Royal Astronomical Society: astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, planetary science, solar-terrestrial physics, global and regional geophysics and the history of these topics. Astronomy & Geophysics also focuses on topical items, reports of meetings, science in the news and acts as a forum for discussion of all matters of interest to professional astronomers and geophysicists. Astronomy & Geophysics is the House Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society and as such records the business of the Society and informs Fellows of Council matters.
https://academic.oup.com/astrogeo - Categories: astrophysics full_text earth  
 *Astronomy and Astrophysics
Astronomy and Astrophysics - A European Journal is a Merging of A&A Main Journal (Springer Verlag, 1969-2000) and A&A Supplement Series (EDP Sciences, 1980-2000). Papers on all aspects of astronomy and astrophysics: theoretical, observational and instrumental, independently of the techniques used to obtain the results: numerical analysis, optical, radio, particles, space instruments, etc.
Astronomy and Astrophysics is edited by an international staff of scientists.
Youtube - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts (1969 - 2000)
The bibliography 'Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts' (AAA) aims to present a comprehensive documentation of the literature concerning all aspects of astronomy, astrophysics, and their neighbouring fields. It is devoted to the recording, summarizing, and indexing of the relevant publications throughout the world.
AAA are published since 1969. The older literature (from 1899 to 1968) is recorded in the forerunner of AAA, the bibliography 'Astronomischer Jahresbericht'.
AAA are a printed publication of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, produced in cooperation with the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe FIZ (since 1988) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers IEE (since 1995). AAA are prepared under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union.
An on-line version of AAA in the 'reference format', i.e. without the summaries of the papers, is available in the data base ARIBIB of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut.
http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/publikationen/aaa/ - Categories: full_text abstracts bibliography

Astronomy and Astrophysics Library (AAL)
The "Astronomy and Astrophysics Library" (AAL) is devoted to monographs on subjects encompassing all aspects of modern astronomy and astrophysics. The spectrum covers everything from experimental and observational techniques to the most elaborate theoretical models, be it for extraterrestrial physics or related to the origin of the universe.
http://www.Springer.de/phys/books/aal.htm - Categories: full_text other_library  
Astronomy and Astrophysics China
"Astronomy and Astrophysics" is an open access, international Chinese journal focusing on the latest progress in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. It mainly publishes papers related to the latest technologies and achievements in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. This journal supports ideological innovation and academic innovation, advocates science, and prospers academics. It integrates academic and ideological aspects. different parties
https://www.hanspub.org/journal - Categories: full_text abstracts  
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (A&AS)
A&AS is a European peer-reviewed journal publishing data papers, either observational or theoretical, as well as extensive data material forming the basis of papers with astrophysical results published in the Main Journal.
https://aas.aanda.org/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text abstracts  
*Astronomy and Computing
Astronomy and Computing is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the broad area between astronomy, computer science, software development and information technology. The journal aims to publish the work of scientists and (software) engineers in all aspects of astronomical computing, including the collection, analysis, reduction, visualisation, preservation and dissemination of data, and the development of astronomical software and simulations. The journal covers applications for academic computer science techniques to astronomy, as well as novel applications of information technologies within astronomy.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/astronomy-and-computing - Categories: education full_text

*Astronomy Education Journal
AEJ aims to meet the needs of the astronomy education community by providing a location for all manner of practical, newsworthy and scholarly publications involving developments in the field. In a sense, the journal tries to capture the original spirit whilst taking on board the important lessons from the, now out-of-print, Astronomy Education Review. By focusing on building community collaboration, disseminating important news and opinions, while also maintaining a section on more formal, technical, Astronomy Education Research (AER). This research section intends to compliment the current scholarly discipline-based work undertaken by Latin-American Journal of Astronomy Education (RELEA), the Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education (JAESE) and, recently, the acceptance of AER articles into Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER).
https://astroedjournal.org/index.php/ijae - Categories: education full_text
*Astronomy Education Review
AER was a Web-based journal for everyone who works in astronomy and space-science education. AER ceased publishing in 2013, but its archive remains available on Portico, and former editor Andrew Fraknoi has posted a subject index to AER.
https://access.portico.org - Categories: education full_text
*Astronomy Letters
Astronomy Letters  is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the results of original research on all aspects of modern astronomy and astrophysics including high energy astrophysics, cosmology, space astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, radio astronomy, extragalactic astronomy, stellar astronomy, and investigation of the Solar system.
https://www.springer.com/journal - Categories: astrophysics full_text
*Astronomy Now
Astronomy Now is the UK’s biggest astronomy magazine. Since 1987 it has been essential reading for astronomers in the UK and around the world. Each month, the magazine contains features, reviews, news and practical guides on all aspects of astronomy, from the latest scientific discoveries to advice for those discovering the night sky for the first time.
https://astronomynow.com/magazine/ - Categories: education full_text
*Astronomy Quarterly (1977 - 1991)
The Astronomy Quarterly is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published in United Kingdom focused on Mathematical & Physical Sciences.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/astronomy-quarterly - Categories: astrophysics full_text
*Astronomy Reports
Astronomy Reports (Astronomicheskii Zhurnal), founded in 1924, is the most prominent astronomy journal in the former Soviet Union. It is also widely known and cited abroad. The journal publishes original papers on astronomy, including theoretical and observational astrophysics, physics of the Sun, planetary astrophysics, radioastronomy, stellar astronomy, celestial mechanics, and astronomy methods and instrumentation. It also publishes chronicles, proceedings of international conferences, and book reviews.
https://www.springer.com/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astronomy Studies Development
Astronomy Studies Development is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal publishing high quality, peer-reviewed, original manuscripts in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics, though with a particular focus on mathematical techniques and methodology and innovative ideas for instrumental development and modeling in astronomy and astrophysics. Our journal will include both full length research articles and letter articles, and its coverage extends over solar, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy and astrophysics, and will report original research in all wavelength bands.
https://www.pagepress.org/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astronomy Technology Today
Since 2007 we have been the only global magazine dedicated entirely to telescopes and related equipment. As a subscriber, you can view every back issue online – providing access to over 500 reviews, how-to articles, new product introductions, industry news, ATM articles, astrophotography, and much more.
https://www.pagepress.org/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astronomy Wise
Astro-WISE stands for Astronomical Wide-field Imaging System for Europe. Astro-WISE is an environment consisting of hardware and software which is federated over about a dozen institutes all over Europe. It has been developed to scientifically exploit the ever increasing avalanche of data produced by science experiments. We call such an environment an information system. As the name suggests, Astro-WISE started out as a system geared towards astronomy, but is now also being used for projects outside astronomy. Astro-WISE is an all-in-one system: it allows a scientist to archive raw data, calibrate data, perform post-calibration scientific analysis and archive all results in one environment. The system architecture links together all these commonly discrete steps in data analysis.
http://www.astro-wise.org/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astroparticle Physics
Astroparticle Physics publishes experimental and theoretical research papers in the interacting fields of Cosmic Ray Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Physics.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astrophisica Norvegica (1943 - 1968)
Universitetet i Oslo. Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk.; Norske videnskaps-akademi
ADS - Categories: astrophysics full_text  
Astrophysical Bulletin
Astrophysical Bulletin is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the results of original research in various areas of modern astronomy and astrophysics, including observational and theoretical astrophysics, physics of the Sun, radio astronomy, stellar astronomy, extragalactic astronomy, cosmology, and astronomy methods and instrumentation. The journal welcomes manuscripts from all countries
https://www.springer.com/ - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astrophysics (Ap) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which publishes research in theoretical and observational astrophysics. Founded by V.A. Ambartsumian in 1965, Astrophysics is one of the international astronomy journals. The journal covers space astrophysics, stellar and galactic evolution, solar physics, stellar and planetary atmospheres, interstellar matter. Additional subjects include chemical composition and internal structure of stars, quasars and pulsars, developments in modern cosmology and radiative transfer.
https://www.pagepress.org/journals/index.php/asd/index - Categories: astrophysics full_text
*Astrophysics & Space Science (A&SS)
Astrophysics and Space Science publishes original contributions and invited reviews covering the entire range of astronomy, astrophysics, astrophysical cosmology, planetary and space science and the astrophysical aspects of astrobiology. This includes both observational and theoretical research, the techniques of astronomical instrumentation and data analysis and astronomical space instrumentation. We particularly welcome papers in the general fields of high-energy astrophysics, astrophysical and astrochemical studies of the interstellar medium including star formation, planetary astrophysics, the formation and evolution of galaxies and the evolution of large scale structure in the Universe. Papers in mathematical physics or in general relativity which do not establish clear astrophysical applications will no longer be considered.
ADS  - Categories: full_text  
*Astrophysics & Space Science Transactions
Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions (ASTRA) was an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and public discussion of high quality original research on all fields of Astrophysics and Space Sciences and related technology.
http://www.astrophysics-and-space-sciences-transactions.net/home.html - Categories: astrophysics full_text
*Astrophysics and Space Physics Reviews
Astrophysics and Space Physics Reviews publishes review articles covering significant developments in astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, cosmology, high energy astrophysics and space research in the former Soviet Union.
https://cambridgescientificpublishers.com - Categories: astrophysics full_text
Astropolitics is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is dedicated to policy relevant and interdisciplinary analysis of civil, commercial, military, and intelligence space activities. Committed to the highest editorial standards, Astropolitics is the international journal of choice for the academic, policy-maker and professional in the space community.
https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/fast20 - Categories: astrophysics full_text
La Agrupación Astronómica Sabadell edita cada mes una revista propia, la Astrum, donde se puede leer información general de la entidad con artículos de opinión, propuestas y resultados de las observaciones hechas por los socios, artículos, noticias, efemérides, etc.El Astrum se publica sin discontinuidad desde 1960, actualmente la edición es digital.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Australian Journal of Physics - electronic archive (AJP)
The Australian Journal of Physics published new and significant research in all fields of physics, ranging from elementary particles to astrophysics. It ceased publication after April 2001 and is no longer receiving papers.
http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=79&aid=69 - Categories: full_text

Baltic Astronomy
An international journal published by the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (Vilnius, Lithuania) for astronomical institutions of the Baltic states.
BALTIC ASTRONOMY is published quarterly (4 issues per year). The journal publishes papers, catalogs, reviews and conference proceedings on all branches of astronomy.
http://www.itpa.lt/ba/ - Categories: full_text

Be Star Newsletter
The Be Star Newsletter is a non-refereed electronic and paper journal that is published approximately twice per year. The Be Star Newsletter is open to all contributions (observations, theory, or other news) concerning early-type stars and especially hot, near main-sequence stars. The goal of the Newsletter is to foster communication between researchers interested in this field of stellar astronomy.
http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~dam3ma/benews/ - Categories: full_text
Boletim da Sociedades Astronomica Brasileira
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Boletín de los Observatorios Tonantzintla y Tacubaya
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Bulgarian Astronomical Journal
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Bulletin Astronomique
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Bulletin of the American Interplanetary Society
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands Supplement
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Bulletin of the Yerkes Observatory
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
CDS Information Bulletin
http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Bull.html - Categories: full_text
CEAS Space Journal
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
CFHT Bulletins
http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Reference/Bulletin/ - Categories: full_text

Chandra News

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics

Chinese Physics C
Entertainment astronomy. [in French]
http://www.cieletespace.fr - Categories: full_text education
*Ciel et Espace (magazine)
Entertainment astronomy. [in French]
http://www.cieletespace.fr - Categories: full_text education

*Classical and Quantum Gravity
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Coelum, Mensile di Astronomia Scienza e Telescopi
European astronomical monthly magazine [in Italian].
http://www.coelum.com/ - Categories: full_text education pictures

Comets and Meteor Showers
This site gives the complete text to the 1988 book Meteor Showers: A Descriptive Catalog, as well as recent meteor shower observations. The site also posts a wealth of comet information from news of recent discoveries, finder charts, and ephemerides, to extensive historical information on individual comets.
There is a European mirror site.
http://comets.amsmeteors.org/ - Categories: misc education full_text planetary

Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Comments on Astrophysics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Communicating Astronomy with the Public
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Communications in Astroseismology
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Computers in Physics
The Journal Section of Computers in Physics publishes papers on computer techniques and applications in the physical sciences.
http://ojps.aip.org/cipo/ - Categories: full_text
Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Cosmic Research
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

COSPAR Information Bulletin
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Dark Universe
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Deep Sky
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Design Engineering Technology Digest
The monthly magazine features exclusive reports of innovations developed by NASA and its industry partners/contractors that can be applied to develop new/improved products and solve engineering or manufacturing problems. Authored by the engineers or scientists who did the work, the briefs span a wide array of fields, including electronics, physical sciences, materials, computer software, mechanics, machinery/automation, manufacturing/fabrication, mathematics/information sciences, and life sciences.
Most briefs offer a Technical Support Package, which explains the technology in greater detail and provides contact points for questions or licensing discussions.
NASA Tech Briefs also contains feature articles on successful NASA spinoffs, profiles of NASA tech transfer resources, news briefs, and application stories. Regular columns describe new patents, industry products, software, and literature.
http://www.nasatech.com/ - Categories: full_text comp_sci
Eclipse magazine
French amateur's magazine [in French].
http://www.mailclub.net/eclipse - Categories: education full_text
El Observador de Estrellas Dobles
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

El Universo
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
ESO Publications
Includes access to ESO Messenger, ESO Scientific and Technical Reports, Star Formation Newsletter, ESO Reports, ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings.
http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/pubs/ - Categories: full_text

ESO-MIDAS Courier (Newsletter for ESO-MIDAS User)
The ESO-MIDAS Courier is published twice per year by the MIDAS group of the European Southern Observatory.
http://www.eso.org/esomidas/midas-courier.html - Categories: full_text software

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics (EAA)
The Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Institute of Physics Publishing) is now available online. This indispensable reference includes 2,750 articles written by world renowned astronomers and astrophysicists. This web-based product features links to the primary literature, sophisticated search facilities, news stories, monthly updates and much more.
http://eaa.iop.org/ - Categories: full_text
European Space Agency Bulletin
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

European Space Agency STR
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Experimental Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Europhysics News (European Physical Society)
http://www.europhysicsnews.com/ - Categories: full_text

ExoScience NEWS (exoScience Space News)
exoScience provides daily astronomy news in addition to more comprehensive features on major astronomy events.
http://www.exosci.com/ - Categories: full_text education newsgroup

Federation of Galaxy Explorers (FOGE)
The Federation of Galaxy Explorers is incorporated in the state of Maryland as a 501(c)3 non profit organization. The organization seeks to inspire and educate kids in space related science and engineering. The FOGE established a pilot program in conjunction with Rock Creek International School in Washington, DC, and Prince William County school district in Virginia. Our first training program for parent volunteers was supported by the NASA Globe program and was held in July 2002.
http://www.foge.org - Categories: education full_text mailing_list space

Five College Astronomy Dept. - Full texts of Ph.D. Theses (Full text Ph. D. Theses)
The Five College Astronomy Dept. has begun placing the full text of Ph.D. theses from the department on a departmental WWW server. They will become available shortly after the final acceptance of the thesis. Besides the HTML version, Postscript files will be available on a chapter by chapter basis.
https://www.astro.umass.edu/academics/grad/thesis - Categories: full_text

Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Gazette Astronomique
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
GCNEWS - A Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
GCNews is subscribed to by more than 300 astronomers and contains abstracts of recently submitted papers as well as a few original articles which revolve around the Galactic Center (GC).
GCNEWS features articles on the GC which are of general interest, information about upcoming conferences and other news related to the GC. The Newsletter appears quarterly in printable form and as Web-pages - a Newsflash is distributed by email whenever new abstracts are received.
http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~gcnews/ - Categories: full_text abstracts preprint

*General Relativity and Gravitation
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Gravitation and Cosmology
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Highlights of Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Hot Star Newsletter
The Hot Star Newsletter is a monthly electronic publication on hot luminous stars (Wolf-Rayet stars, LBV, Of and O stars) and related phenomena in galaxies. On-line resources include abstracts with hyperlinks to full text of preprints, a Wolf-Rayet catalogue and a Wolf-Rayet bibliography.
http://www.astro.ugto.mx/~eenens/hot/ - Categories: full_text abstracts

Hypermedia Issues And Applications
State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications, by V. Balasubramanian, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey (bala@e-papyrus.com). Chapter 1: Hypertext - An Introduction, Chapter 2: Implementation Issues, Chapter 3: Database Issues, Chapter 4: User Interface Issues, Chapter 5: Information Retrieval Issues, Chapter 6: Integration Issues, Chapter 7: Applications, Chapter 8: A Systematic Approach To User Interface Design For A Hypertext Framework. Postscript version available (tar'ed and compressed)
http://www.e-papyrus.com/hypertext_review/index.html - Categories: comp_sci bibliography full_text protocols

IAC Noticias
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
IAU publications (International Astronomical Union)
http://www.iau.org/IAU/Activities/publications/ - Categories: full_text bibliography
Icarus (International Journal of Solar System Studies)
ICARUS is the official publication of Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society and is dedicated to reporting the results of new research-- observational, experimental, or theoretical-- concerning the astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific aspects of our solar system or extrasolar systems. It is published monthly by Academic Press, Inc.
Icarus is now available through IDEAL, Academic Press' online scientific journal library. This server also contains information for authors planning to submit papers to Icarus and subscription information.
http://icarus.cornell.edu - Categories: full_text planetary

Il Nuovo Cimento C
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (IBVS)
The Information Bulletin on Variable Stars is a bulletin of the Commissions 27 and 42 of the International Astronomical Union, published by Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary.
http://www.konkoly.hu/IBVS/IBVS.html - Categories: full_text optical other_astronomy
International Astronomical Union Colloquium
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

International Astronomical Union Symposium
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

International Cosmic Ray Conference
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

International Journal of Advanced Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
International Journal of Astrobiology
International Journal of Astrobiology is the peer-reviewed forum for practitioners in this exciting interdisciplinary field. Coverage includes cosmic chemistry, planetary evolution, the search for planetary systems and habitable zones, extremophile biology and experimental simulation of extraterrestrial environments, life detection in our solar system and beyond, the future of life on Earth and beyond, the interaction between life and its environment, climate modeling and the evolution of life, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the history of the science of astrobiology, as well as societal and educational aspects of astrobiology.
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-journal-of-astrobiology  - Categories: astrophysics full_text
International journal of  Astronomy and Astrophysics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

International Journal of Modern Physics D
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

International Journal of Physics and Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
IRAM Newsletter
The IRAM Newsletter, edited every odd month, carries information on the status and results of the IRAM telescopes: the 30m telescope at Pico Veleta (Spain) and the Interferometer on Plateau de Bure (France) IRAM (http://iram.fr/) is an international institute for research in millimeter astronomy, cofunded by the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France), the MPG (Max Planck Gesellschaft, Germany), and the IGN (Instituto Geografico Nacional, Spain).
http://www.iram.fr/IRAMFR/ARN/newsletter.html - Categories: full_text radio
Irish Astronomical Journal
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal des Observateurs
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal for the History of Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of Astrobiology & Outreach
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Journal of Astronomical Data
The Journal of Astronomical Data accepts raw and reduced data from observations as well as from theoretical research, reduction software, complete descriptions of new instruments, PhD theses with extensive data tables, catalogues, graphs, computer code, and also lengthy articles, or regular articles accompanied by the data on which it is based.
Contributions describe in short the astrophysical background and motive for the scientific work done, a complete description of the data-collecting process, an assessment of the accuracy of the data, next to the data themselves.
All data are published on CD-ROM.
http://www.vub.ac.be/STER/JAD/jad.htm - Categories: full_text center

Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences (JASS, Korea)
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences (ISSN 1225-052X) published by the Korea Space Science Society, Seoul, Korea. [in Korean]
http://csaweb.yonsei.ac.kr/~ksss/jour.html - Categories: full_text

Journal of Astrophysics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Journal of the British Astronomical Association 
Journal of the UK's premier amateur astronomy organisation.
 http://www.britastro.org/journal/ - Categories: education bibliography full_text
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP)
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP) is an authoritative, peer-reviewed international journal created by the International School for Advanced Studies and Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP). JCAP's philosophy mirrors that of its successful sister journal, Journal of High Energy Physics. JCAP encompasses theoretical, observational and experimental areas as well as computation and simulation. The Journal covers the latest developments in the theory of all fundamental interactions and their cosmological implications (e.g. M-theory and cosmology, brane cosmology). JCAP's coverage also includes topics such as formation, dynamics and clustering of galaxies, pre-galactic star formation, X-ray astronomy, radio astronomy, gravitational lensing, active galactic nuclei, intergalactic and interstellar matter.
http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/JCAP/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of Double Star Observations
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Journal of Gravity
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of High Energy Astrophysics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of Occultation Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Journal of Optics A : Pure and Applied Optics
The journal covers all aspects of modern and classical optics: experimental and theoretical studies, applications and instrumentation. The journal is the result of the merger in 1999 of Journal of Optics (formerly Nouvelle Revue d'Optique) and Pure and Applied Optics.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/oa - Categories: full_text

Journal of the Optical Society of America A
http://ojps.aip.org/joao/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of the Optical Society of America B
The Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) emphasizes quantum optics, lasers, and nonlinear optics. JOSA B is a general research journal and complements JOSA A. It features current research on lasers, fiber optics, nonlinear optics, optical coherent transients, multiphoton processes, effects of laser radiation, spectroscopy, and advances in nonlinear optical materials, science, and technology, among other topics.
http://ojps.aip.org/jobo/ - Categories: full_text
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

La Tierra y el Universo
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Le Stelle
Le Stelle is an Italian magazine of astronomical culture directed by Margherita Hack e Corrado Lamberti. [in Italian]
http://www.lestelle-astronomia.it - Categories: full_text
Living Review of Solar Physics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Living Reviews in Relativity

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text


A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Magellanic Clouds Newsletter (European mirror)
The Magellanic Clouds Newsletter is an electronic publication for information exchange on Magellanic Clouds research. It is distributed bimonthly and provides abstracts of submitted papers on the Magellanic Clouds, dissertation abstracts, meeting information and job announcements.
http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~mcnews/MCNews.html - Categories: newsgroup abstracts full_text jobs meetings

Magellanic Clouds Newsletter (MCnews)
An bi-monthly electronic publication on Magellanic Clouds related research. The online content of the www page includes downloadable recent and back issues, news, and hyperlinks to other Magellanic Clouds related sites.
http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/projects/mcnews/MCNews.html - Categories: abstracts full_text newsgroup
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Matters of Gravity
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
*Memorie della Società Astronomia Italiana
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Mercury Magazine
Magazine of the members of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/mercury/mercury.html - Categories: full_text 
*Modern Physics Letters A
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Molecualr Astrophysics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
The Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society is published for the Society by Blackwell Science Limited. The Journal publishes the results of original research in the positional and dynamical astronomy, astrophysics, radio astronomy, cosmology, space research and the design of astronomical instruments.
http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0035-8711 - Categories: full_text
 MonthlyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters (MNRAS-L)
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
NASA ADC Electronic News
http://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov/adc/adc_enews/adc_enews.toc.html - Categories: full_text

NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS)
Single interface to databases maintained at: Ames Research Center, Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Division (NAS); Dryden Flight Research Center; ICASE, Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering; Langley Research Center; RECON database - abstracts only (NASA STI); SCAN -Selected Current Aerospace Notices - abstracts only (NASA STI); STELAR Project - abstracts only (Goddard Space Flight Center)
http://ntrs.nasa.gov/ - Categories: abstracts full_text

NOAO Newsletters
The NOAO Newsletter is published quarterly. Issues starting with June 1992 are available on-line but only those Newsletters dated June 1996 and later are full-up HTML files. Each issue is seachable, plus a variety of search options are available from this page.
http://www.noao.edu/noao/noaonews.html - Categories: full_text

Nature Astronomy
International weekly journal of science
http://www.nature.com/ - Categories: full_text

Net Advance Physics (NetAdvPhys)
Online encyclopaedia of physics/astrophysics; includes most review papers in the Los Alamos preprint base catalogued by subject. Will someday hopefully be a complete subject-index to online physics and astrophysics literature.
http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ - Categories: bibliography abstracts full_text library preprint

New Astronomy (Elsevier)
New Astronomy is fully electronic, available on the World Wide Web. A traditional paper edition is also published. The electronic version is linked to major scientific data centers, such as CDS, ADS, and NED.
New Astronomy aims to publish only the best articles in this field, without page charges, and with a very short publication time. Each field is represented by a specialist Editor who is directly responsible for the review process.
http://www1.elsevier.com/gej-ng/10/33/29/show/ - Categories: full_text

New Astronomy Reviews (Former title: Vistas in Astronomy)
New Astronomy Reviews publishes review articles in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics: theoretical, observational and instrumental. This international review journal is written for a broad audience of professional astronomers and astrophysicists.
The journal covers solar physics, planetary systems, stellar, galactic and extra-galactic astronomy and astrophysics, as well as cosmology. New Astronomy Reviews reviews research in all wavelength bands, ranging from radio to gamma-ray, as well as computational and laboratory astrophysics.
http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/426/description#description - Categories: full_text


A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Novedades astronómicas

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Nuovo Orione

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

OAD Newsletters

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Observatory Magazine
Founded at the world-famous Royal Observatory at Greenwich in 1877 by William Christie, then Chief Assistant and later to become Astronomer Royal, The Observatory Magazine has a special place in the affections of astronomers, both professional and amateur. It not only carries scientific notes and papers, but reports the meetings of the prestigious Royal Astronomical Society and has an active correspondence section; it is also renowned for its authoritative book reviews covering virtually every significant work published in astronomy.
http://www.ulo.ucl.ac.uk/obsmag/ - Categories: full_text
Optical Engineering
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Optical Long Baseline Interferometry News (OLBIN)
A forum for scientists, engineers, and students who share an interest in long baseline stellar interferometry. Here you will find links to projects devoted to stellar interferometry, new items, and resources for further research.
http://olbin.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Categories: newsgroup full_text

Optics Express
International electronic journal of optics, launched in July 1997. Reports new developments in optical science and technology on a biweekly basis. Published by Optical Society of America (OSA).
http://www.opticsexpress.org/ - Categories: full_text
Physical Review D
Published by the American Physical Society. (APS).
http://ojps.aip.org/prlo/ - Categories: full_text
Physics & Astronomy International Journal
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Physics of the Dark Universe
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Planetary and Space Science
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Planetary Report
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Popular Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Practical Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Proceedings of the IAU
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
The Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA) is a refereed international journal for new and significant research in all areas of astronomy and astrophysics, including instrumentation and software development.
http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/138.htm - Categories: full_text

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan - Electronic Version - (PASJ)
PASJ publishes research papers on all aspects of astronomy, astrophysics, and fields closely related to them. From its foundation in 1949 till 1985, PASJ was published quarterly. From 1986, PASJ has been published bimonthly.
http://pasj.asj.or.jp/ - Categories: full_text

Publications of the Astronomical Society ofthe Pacific (PASP)
PASP is the technical journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific produced monthly by The University of Chicago Press.
http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/PASP/journal/  - Categories: full_text abstracts

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Radio Science
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Reviews in Modern Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Revista Astronomica
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Revista Brasileira de Astronomía
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Revista Latino-Americana de Educação em Astronomia
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

RNAAS Research Notes
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Serbian Astronomical Journal
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Shock Waves
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Si Muove
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*Sky & Telescope
Sky Online, a service of Sky & Telescope magazine, is designed for astronomy enthusiasts at all levels of interest. It features excerpts from Sky & Telescope and CCD Astronomy magazines, tips for backyard skygazers, reviews of telescopes and accessories, a weekly astronomical news bulletin, calendar of upcoming star parties and amateur conventions, downloadable BASIC programs, links to other sites, and more.
http://www.skypub.com/ - Categories: full_text education
*Sky at Night
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
*Sky News
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Solar Physics
Solar Physics was founded in 1967 and is the principal journal for the publication of the results of fundamental research on the Sun. The journal treats all aspects of solar physics, ranging from the internal structure of the Sun and its evolution to the outer corona and solar wind in interplanetary space. Papers on solar-terrestrial physics and on stellar research are also published when their results have a direct bearing on our understanding of the Sun.
http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,0,4-0-70-35690599-0,0.html - Categories: full_text solar

Solar System Research
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
The Solar Terrestrial Activity Report has an overview of current solar activity as well as this activity's effect on Earth's geomagnetic field. The report is primarily aimed at radio listeners. Solar cycle and solar wind information is part of the report.
http://dxlc.com/solar/ - Categories: misc full_text radio solar
Soviet Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
Space Science Reviews
As an international key journal on scientific space research, its purpose is to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the various branches of the subject. The emphasis is on scientific results and instruments in the fields of astrophysics, physics of planetary systems, solar physics, and physics of magnetospheres & interplanetary matter.
https://www.springer.com/journal/11214  Categories: full_text space
The SPACEWARN Bulletin is intended to serve as an international communication mechanism for the rapid distribution of information on satellites and space probes.
http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spacewarn.html - Categories: full_text space

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
ST-ECF Newsletter
The ST-ECF Newsletter is a regular publication of the Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility.
http://www.stecf.org/documents/newsletter - Categories: full_text

Sterne und Weltraum
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
STScI Newsletter
http://sco.stsci.edu/newsletter/index.html - Categories: full_text

Standard Star Newsletter
The Standard Star Newsletter is the publication of the Standard Stars Working Group sponsored by Commissions 25, 29, 30, and 45 of the International Astronomical Union. Its purpose is to keep astronomers in touch with all aspects of stellar standards: those in photometry, spectroscopy, polarization, element abundances, stellar parameters, and radial velocities.
http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/ssn/ - Categories: full_text

Telescope Making
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
The Astronomer online (TA)
TA produces a magazine for the advanced amateur and its aim is to publish all observations of astronomical interest as soon as possible after they are made.
The magazine has been published monthly since 1964 and subscribers are found all over the world. It also provides a very comprehensive electronic circulars service to keep our members up to date.
http://www.theastronomer.org/ - Categories: society full_tex
*The Astronomical Journal (AJ)
The Astronomical Journal publishes original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations. Publications in AJ include descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, astronomical interpretation, instrumentation, and software and computing. Founded in 1849 by Boston astronomer Benjamin Apthorp Gould, The Astronomical Journal became an American Astronomical Society publication in 1941.
The Astronomical Journal Electronic Edition.
Vía ADS.
https://journals.aas.org/astronomical-journal - Categories: full_text
*The Astronomical Journal Supplement (AJS)
The Astronomical Journal publishes original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations. Publications in AJ include descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, astronomical interpretation, instrumentation, and software and computing. Founded in 1849 by Boston astronomer Benjamin Apthorp Gould, The Astronomical Journal became an American Astronomical Society publication in 1941.
The Astronomical Journal Electronic Edition.
Vía ADS.
https://journals.aas.org/astronomical-journal - Categories: full_text
 The Astronomical League
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

The Astronomical Register
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

*The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review will encompass all areas of astronomy and astrophysics including subjects bordering on other fields. Thus developments in atomic molecular or particle physics directly relevant to astronomy may be included as well as cosmic ray physics studies in the solar systems and computational procedures with specific astronomic applications. It is intended that all important fields be reviewed from time to time whereby the frequency of review will be dependent on the amount of activity in the different areas.
https://www.springer.com/journal/159 - Categories: astrophysics full_tex
*The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
The Astrophysical Journal (ISSN 0004-637X) is published three times a month (in two parts) for the American Astronomical Society by The University of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Volumes consist of two issues each. An author and subject index covering three volumes appears in Part 1 every second month. An annual index is published after the last volume of the year and is sent to each subscriber. The articles in this journal are indexed in the Science Citation Index, Philadelphia, PA.
http://www.noao.edu/apj/apj.html - Categories: full_text

*The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJ-L)
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text
*The Astrophysical Journal Supplement (ApJ-S) 
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

The Journal of the American Association of Variable Stars Observers
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

The Messenger
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

The Observatory
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

The Open Astronomy Journal
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

The Planetary Science Journal
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

The Star Formation Newsletter
The Star Formation Newsletter (SFN) is an electronic publication dedicated to early stellar evolution and molecular clouds. It is edited by Bo Reipurth.
http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/pubs/starform/index.html - Categories: full_text

Theoretical Physics Astrophysics & Cosmology
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Universo Digital
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Universo LQ
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

Vistas in Astronomy
A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

WEGA - Interessantes aus Astronomie und Raumfahrt (Astronomical Online Journal - in German)
The server hosts the homepage of the online journal WEGA - Interessantes aus Astronomie und Raumfahrt. The main content are news and articles of astronomical themes for the general public. [in German].
http://www.kepler.de/ - Categories: full_text newsgroup

Working Group for the History of Astronomy: Electronic newsletters (EMA/ENHA)
The newsletters contain announcements of conferences, exhibitions, new books, and other related material. They are available in the German original as well as in English translation.
http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/aa-ejourn.html - Categories: full_text history

*Zeitschrift für Astrophysik

A journal of the Institute of Physics (IoP) for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime.
http://www.iop.org/Journals/cq/ - Categories: full_text

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