38 Miscellaneous Resources (124)


The astronomical information service ASTRONET provides information on astronomical phenomena and closely follows the news on astronomy, space research, space flight, meteorology and earth sciences. ASTRONET is frequently updated.

Aerospace Engineering Resources
A compilation of resources targeted specifically toward Aerospace Engineering students; however, the site also includes several more general resources that would appeal to other students. In addition, the site links to news sources whose focus is space-related, as well as a few forums in which people can interact.

Amateur German site on Stars and Planets
[in German]

American Mathematical Society (AMS)
American Mathematical Society top level WWW page

Anglo-Australian Planet Search Program
R. Paul Butler, Chris Tinney, Geoff Marcy, Hugh Jones, Alan Penny, Brendan Byrne.
The AAT Planet Search aims to target 200 nearby stars brighter than V=7.5 and south of 0 degrees.

Antedo, Inc.
Technical Support and Program Management services to Schwartz-Hautmont for two 34-meter diameter Beam Waveguide Wheel and Track-type antenna systems, contracted from JPL for NASA Deep Space Nine Network. One installed in Australia and another in Spain. Technical Consulting and Program Management services to Schwartz-Hautmont for a 6.5-Meter Optical Telescope Enclosure and Buildings, contracted from Carnegie Institute of Washington.

Aspen Center for Physics (ACP)
The Aspen Center for Physics is a scientific organization which promotes organized research in physics, astrophysics and related fields through a program of individual and collaborative research, seminars, workshops and conferences and which promotes the education of the general public through public lectures and other activities.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Many ACM information services are available on the Internet and may be accessed through this document. Included in these services is current information on the following activities: Awards, Conferences, Education, Local Activities, Network Services, Publications, and Special Interest Groups. Other ACM Information services are: Announcements from around the association, and New Product Announcements. In addition, information is available from the following affiliate organizations: Federation on Computing in the United States and IFIP, and Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals.

Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (ALPO)
An educational organization that instucts observers in proper technique, collects amateur observations and promulgates them to the professional community.
Informationen über Sonne, Mond, Finsternisse für beliebige Orte in Graphiken und Tabellen. Hilfetexte in deutsch. [in German].

AstroExpo.com (Space Industry Virtual Exhibit Hall)
Online databases of Space qualified hardware, software, services, companies, and news.

Astrobiology Web

The latest news from space, articles about the Solar System, stars and galaxies, exoplanets, astronautics... Site belge francophone [in French].

Astronomy, educational, industry, robotic exploration, human space flight.

Astronomia Autodidacta (Colombia)
Astronomy resourses for beginners and amateurs in Spanish

Das Team von www.astronomie.de besteht aus engagierten Amateurastronomen, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt haben, eine sinnvolle Ergänzung des bislang vorhandenen Informationsangebotes im deutschsprachigen Internet zu schaffen. Wir möchten - Einsteigern durch unparteiische Beratung helfen - die kommerzielle Seite der Astronomie, d.h. den Teleskop- und Zubehörmarkt im Internet durchsichtig machen - eine gute Startseite für ausgedehnte Surftouren schaffen - für Einsteiger die englischen Astro-News des Internets übersetzen und erläutern - Amateurastronomen untereinander in Kontakt bringen, - Amateuren eine Möglichkeit bieten, eigene Beiträge zum Informationsangebot zu liefern. [in German]

Astronomy Today (astrononomy, cosmology and space exploration)
Astronomy Today has articles on astronomy, cosmology and space exploration, with a regularly updated sky guide plus the latest space news.

Astronomy and Islam
A galaxy of astronomical links many with an Islamic flavour.

BinoSky - best bets for viewing the night sky through binoculars (BinoSky)
A guide to the best bets for viewing the night sky through binoculars. Images and maps on consistent scales, with consistent exposures.

A resource for science information, studies, research and discoveries.

Brooks/Cole Astronomy Resource Center
Links which are useful to teachers and students of astronomy.Also, an Online Studyguide for the Wadsworth text: Foudations of Astronomy, Fourth edition, by Michael Seeds.

CCD Spectroscopy at Mais Observatory
This site shows what an amateur with only modest equipment can accomplish in the area of astronomical spectroscopy.

CMB Astrophysics Research Program (UC Berkeley, LBL)
Professor George Smoot's group conducts research on the early Universe using the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) and other astrophysical sources. These investigations are directed towards realizing a variety of science goals regarding CMB.

Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants
This is a catalogue of Galactic SNRs, giving a summary listing of the parameters for each remnant, and detailed listings (with references) for each object. The documentation gives a description of the entries, and notes on new SNRs included in this version of the catalogue, objects no longer thought to be SNRs, and possible SNRs not included in the catalogue.

CcdBazar (CCD Amateurs)
This site carries information about usage of CCD by amateurs for astronomical photography. [mostly in French]

Circumplanetary Dust Dynamics: from Birth to Death (Astronomical InSt. Petersburg)
The modeled E ring of Saturn is presented. The page is related to Cassini project, and introduces the research of the faint circumplanetary dust complexes to everybody.

Closer To Truth
Closer To Truth television series and Web site brings together leading scientists and scholars to debate how the Universe began, and how it may possibly end.

Coded Aperture Imaging in High-Energy Astronomy
Information about coded aperture imaging as applied in X- and gamma-ray astronomy: - introduction to the principle - specific details about instruments of the past, present and proposed future - bibliography.

Comets and Meteor Showers
This site gives the complete text to the 1988 book Meteor Showers: A Descriptive Catalog, as well as recent meteor shower observations. The site also posts a wealth of comet information from news of recent discoveries, finder charts, and ephemerides, to extensive historical information on individual comets.
There is a European mirror site.

Comets at JPL
Provides information on current (bright) comets including recent observations and ephemeridies. Images and light curves of current and past comets are also available.

Commonwealth Club (California)
The Commonwealth Club sponsors hundreds of speakers each year, many on scientific and technical topics. For a free copy of our bulletin, contact Katherine Merriman at (415) 597-6732 or at cwc@sirius.com.

Company Seven Astro-Optics Division
Company Seven Astro-Optics Division is a firm that is involved in the design, manufacture, resale, and service of astronomical telescopes and related systems. Credentials include support of mission critical aspects of the NASA International Comet Halley Watch, the Hubble Space Telescope Repair Mission, and a variety of Defense and Law Enforcement projects.
The Company sponsors a showroom and museum displaying rare new and antique telescopes, binoculars, and optics in Laurel, Maryland, U.S.A.

DFM Engineering, Inc. of All Astronomy Products and Instrumentation
DFM Engineering, Inc.: Dealer and Sales Support Specialists of All Astronomy Products and Instrumentation Including: Telescopes, Lidar Scanners, Computer Control Systems, Telescope Retrofit Control Systems, Custom Products and Optics.

David Darling's Astrobiology Page (Astrobiology)
Astrobiology discussions, links and books. A site with a strong emphasis on astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence, reflecting author David Darling current areas of interest. In addition to a description of Darling s books, including his latest work, The Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia, the site contains hundreds of links to other sites connected with astrobiology, extrasolar planets, SETI and other topics related to alien life, FAQ s, a forum and a guestbook.

  Delta Scuti Star Network (DSN)
The Delta Scuti Star Network for Observation and Investigation of Delta Scuti, Gamma Doradus and SX Phe Stars is a collaboration of astronomers all around the world, who observe and study short period variable stars.

Estels (Emili Capella's visual observations)
Emili Capella's amateur astronomical web with observations, deep sky sketches, light curves of variable stars and more. [In English and Catalan.]

Extrasolar Planet Search (Berkeley)
Geoff Marcy and Paul Butler site at San Francisco State University.

Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes (Geneva Observatory)

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
This resource, maintained by Jean Schneider (Observatoire de Paris), provides updated information about the search for extrasolar planets.
It includes a Catalog of Extrasolar Planets and a list of meetings.

FRench Online MAGnetic Extrapolations (FROMAGE)
FROMAGE is a joint project between DASOP (Observatoire de Paris), CPhT (Ecole Polytechnique) and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), to provide public access to a base of numerical codes for extrapolation of solar magnetic field.

  FTP Software Inc
Innovative developer of TCP/IP transports and applications for DOS, Windows and OS/2

Finnish amateur astronomy homepage

GRB Coordinates Network (GCN)
The GRB Coordinates Network (used to be called BACODINE) system (1) calculates RA,Dec coordinate positions of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) detected with BATSE and distributes those positions around the world in real time -- a few seconds! -- so that other instruments can make follow-up observations in other wavebands while the burst is still bursting! (2) distributes locations of GRBs detected by other spacecraft. (3) distributes reports follow-up observations made by ground-based optical and radio observers.
These three functions provide a one-stop shopping network for follow-up sites and GRB researchers.

Green Flashes (SDSU)
Information about green flashes, mirages, and other refraction phenomena. Contains an extensive bibliography that covers the history of these topics, as well as links to numerous color photographs and simulations.

Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN)
The GriPhyN (Grid Physics Network) collaboration is a team of experimental physicists and information technology (IT) researchers who plan to implement the first Petabyte-scale computational environments for data intensive science in the 21st century.

Grupo Universitario de Investigaciones Astronómicas, USB (GUIA, USB)
[in Spanish]


Artificial satellite positions.


HST On-line documentation at ST-ECF
Documents And Instrument Handbooks, Data Analysis related to Hubble Space Telescope instruments.

Hitachi High Technologies America (Hitachi HTA)
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc. is a manufacturer and provider of high efficiency diffraction gratings. We offer both standard catalog components and custom made to order items.

How to present rotation curves of Galaxies ? (Galaxy Rotation Curves)
An alternative way to present astronomical data by combining atlas and catalog features: The Galaxy Wanted Poster. The Halpha and NII spectra of nearby spiral edge-on galaxies reveal next to their redshift velocities their individual kinetic fingerprints. Such velocity slices or rotation curves are correlated to the morphological properties of these objects. Based on a sample of 59 galaxies of the southern hemisphere a small rotation curve atlas has been compiled which allows fast comparison between visual and spectral observations.

IAU Commission 27 Homepage (IAU-C27)
International Astronomical Union, Commission 27: Variable stars (etoiles variables)
Membership info. - Meetings - Proceedings - Catalogues - Announcements

IMSA Astrophysics Home Page (A high school course in Astrophysics)
This is a one-semester course that embeds technology and the use of the internet into the daily experience of the students. Course materials, assessment tools and philosophy, and curriculum documents are all provided through this site.

INTER-SOL Sun Observation Programme (ISP)
The INTER-SOL Programme (ISP) is an international sun observation programme for amateurs and professionals of the Volkssternwarte Paderborn e.V. - Germany.

ISOGAL is a 7 and 15 micron survey of the inner Galactic disk performed with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) camera, ISOCAM, mostly with 6" pixels.
The ISOGAL sources are systematically cross-identified with the KJI sources of the DENIS survey.

Information for Authors: Astronomy Journals
Collection of "information for authors" sites for scholarly and popular astronomy journals.

Interferometry Center of Excellence (ICE, JPL)
The Interferometry Center of Excellence (ICE), at JPL, has been established to ensure the development and maintenance of a leading edge capability in optical and near-infrared interferometric astrometry and imaging.

International Earth Rotation Service (IERS)

International Interference Mitigation (for Radio Astronomy)
This Web site is a meeting place for anyone interested in the technical problems of making radio astronomical measurements in the presence of other radio signals. Postings on this site are from scientists and engineers around the world on subjects such as suppression of RFI from electronic devices, measurement of the electromagnetic environment, and techniques for separating weak cosmic signals from other radiation in the radio spectrum.

International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS)
IVS is an international collaboration of organizations which operate or support Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) components. IVS provides a service which supports geodetic and astrometric work on reference systems, Earth science research, and operational activities.

Kepler Mission (Searching for Earth-Sized Planets)
The goal of this NASA satellite mission will be to discover and characterize earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of solar-like stars.

Kharkov multi-wave station of solar monitoring (KHASSM)
Images from the spectroheliograph of Kharkov Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine). This station is designed to carry out a wide range of astrophysical studies of the Sun in monochromatic light.

La Linterna Roja - Astronomía
Astromony web which includes photos, articles and essays, cool links, updated news and a full section of astronomical humour. [in Spanish].

Latest Supernovae (Supernovae in NGC/IC Galaxies)
Current list of observable Supernovae in NGC and IC galaxies.

Light Pollution in Italy
Informations on the problem of light pollution in Italy and on its possible solutions, a reference list of more than 500 scientific and technical publications on the field with search utilities, many italian documents on-line and links to many italian and european related sites.

Loch Ness Productions: Planetarium resources
Includes a list of planetarium and planetarium- related Web sites, together with Loch Ness Productions resources for planetaria: shows, original artwork slides, space music CDs and tapes, the LNP Planetarium Compendium (directory of the world's planetaria), and more.

TheMINISAT programme aims to develop a system that will permit performance of space operations at a lower cost and within shorter delays when compared with present programmes. This programme is run by INTA under the auspices of the Spanish Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology (CICYT) and with the collaboration of the Spanish industry.

MIRA (variable stars)
Variable Stars in Russia. [in Russian]

MONOPTEC's Fixed Shutter Dome (FSD)
MONOPTEC licenses the Fixed Shutter Dome, an enabling technology in observatory enclosures and satellite laser ranging systems. Four FSD's now reside in Tokyo, Japan, as part of the Keystone Project.

MSAM / TopHat
MSAM/TopHat is a collaboration working on a series of experiments to measure the medium-scale anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR).

Magnetic Classification Values of sunspots (after Malde)
Worldwide network; observations of sunspots; classifying to Zurich/McIntosh-system; generating values=Classification Values after Malde (established in 1981; published in german mag. "vdS-SONNE").

Mars Atlas (-- online USGS maps and VO image finder)
A WWW-browsable, zoomable and scrollable atlas of USGS images of Mars, showing the locations (footprints) of thousands of high-resolution Viking Orbiter images.

Meta Research (Alternative theories)
Scientifically viable challenges to mainstream paradigms: problems with the Big Bang, replacement cosmologies -- especially the Meta Model, Le Sage-type gravity models, the speed of gravity, the physical interpretations of relativity, replacement solar system origin models -- especially the fission model, the exploded planet hypothesis, the satellite model for comets-asteroids-meteoroids, Mars anomalies, tutorials, editorials, message board, quarterly bulletin, research notes, expeditions.

Microwave Background Anisotropies - Physics
A series of online tutorials ranging from beginner to expert covering the theory of cosmic microwave background anisotropies.

Mid-Atlantic Star Party (MASP)

Mojave Solar
A private research venture into Solar Physics.

Munich Astro Archive (MAA)
Astronomy for everyone. Collections of software, astronomical catalogues, stellar data and more is available.

NASA Space Sensors and Instrument Technology (NASA OSAT Space Instrument Technology)
The intention of the Sensors and Instrument Technology home page is to provide convenient access to program information for those involved or interested in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Sensors and Instruments Technology Program. This is an experimental service provided by the Spacecraft Systems Division staff of the Office of Space Access and Technology at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC.

NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Established in 1945 under NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), Wallops Flight Facility is —one of the oldest launch sites in the world, located on the Virginia Eastern Shore.

NGC/IC Project
The NGC/IC Project is an attempt to correctly identify all of the original NGC and IC objects, starting with the original discoverer 's notes and working forward in time to encompass the work of contemporary astronomers, both professional and amateur, such that the identity of each of the NGC and IC objects is known with as much certainty as we can reasonably bring to it from the existing historical record. Contains a lot of historical NGC/IC data, including the original NGC and IC's. Also contains an on-line NGC/IC public access database as well as an NGC/IC observing list generator.

NRAO Arizona Operations (NRAO-TUC)
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory Arizona Operations is the center for the following NRAO activities: (1) 12 Meter Telescope and (2) Millimeter Array Development Activities.

NRAO Charlottesville (NRAO-CV)
This web page contains links to these items, among others: AIPS (Astronomical Image Processing System), AIPS++, NRAO Headquarters, The Central Development Lab, and the main NRAO Library.

National Earth Orientation Service (NEOS)
NEOS was organized to coordinate, collect, analyze, and distribute data from the various operational U. S. programs that monitor variations in the orientation of the Earth. These programs include the International Radio Interferometric Surveying (IRIS) very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) program coordinated by the GL, the Navy Network (NAVNET) program coordinated by the USNO, the VLBI program coordinated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the satellite laser ranging (SLR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the University of Texas, the lunar laser ranging (LLR) program, with data analyzed at the University of Texas, and the Global Positioning System (GPS) data coordinated by the International GPS Service (IGS).

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Includes: Deadlines for NSF Programs; Program Areas; Grant Proposal Guide; Guide to Programs; NSF Bulletins; Search Award Information and Abstracts; Fastlane Project; Communicating with the NSF; NSF Location and Directions; Publications; Publications Search Feature; Federal Research Centers; Federal Laboratories; Selected NSF-Funded Projects; Federal Agencies.

Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)

NetAstroCatalog - a mailing list for "deep sky" observers of all levels (IAAC)
The Internet Amateur Astronomers Catalog (IAAC or 'netastrocatalog' for short) is a forum for amateur astronomers at all levels to share their observations of Deep-Sky objects.
New England Light Pollution Advisory Group (NELPAG)
Information concerning improved outdoor lighting to reduce glare and obtrusive light.

Night Sky Info (Amateur site)
Weekly news about the night sky, astronomy articles and observations.

North American Skies (Sky Happenings for the layman)
North American Skies is the online web version of a monthly astronomy newsletter started in the late 1980s for television weather reporters in Denver. It provides information on easy-to-observe objects and events visible throughout North America (and most of the world). Each month's issue contains a star chart, calendar, inforamtion on the planets, plus an article of topical or temporal interest. Material on North American Skies is available for reprint if proper credit, including URL, is given.

Northern Lights (Norway)
Nordlys : site on aurora borealis (polar lights).

Notebook of a Comet Hunter (Tim Harincar)
Logs and notes of an amateur astronomer's search for undiscovered comets.

Observatory Domes

Orbiting Telescopes
A list of all astronomical satellites, or Orbiting Astronomical Observatories launched up to now, plus scheduled future projects, with some basic data, a short description, and worldwide links to webpages and/or images of the spacecraft (if available).

PRL - Space and Atmospheric Science Division (SPA-SC)
The activities of the Division aim to understand radiative, chemical, ionization and dynamical processes in the Earth's atmosphere by employing in situ rocket and balloon-borne experiments, ground based optical and radio probing, laboratory experiments, theoretical simulation and modeling of atmospheres of Earth and other Planets.

Philippines amateur astronomy site (ACP)
A resource for astronomy enthusiasts in the Philippines.

Photometric redshifts (including HDF and HDFS)
Includes a view of the Hubble Deep Fields with access to photometric redshifts of individual galaxies.

PhysicsWeb (The web site for physicists)
PhysicsWeb provides weekly news, patent news, webwatch, book reviews, jobs, events calendar, Physics World magazine and an extensive collection of physics related resources.

Planetary Nebulae Observer's Home Page
The web site for almost everything related to observations of Planetary Nebulae. Hundreds of images and over 1000 observing reports in addition to many special articles. Links to other PN related sites and databases.

Robotic Lunar Observatory (ROLO)
The Robotic Lunar Observatory (ROLO) is dedicated to studying one of the remaining unknowns of the Moon: what is its precise brightness? ROLO is currently part of the NASA Earth Observing Spacecraft Mission. The concept of the project is that the Moon will be observed repeatedly, and data gathered, so that we can predict the brightness of the Moon to better than two percent. Then, spacecraft orbiting the Earth can look at the Moon as part of a calibration sequence to get an absolute brightness reference.

Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE)
ROTSE is an experimental program to search for astrophysical optical transients on time scales of a fraction of a second to a few hours. This is an area of astronomical science that has been relatively unexplored until now. The primary incentive for this research is to find the optical counterparts of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Two sets of instruments are now under construction: ROTSE-I, a 4-fold camera array using telephoto lenses to cover a 16 degree by 16 degree field of view and ROTSE-II, a pair of 0.45 meter aperture telescopes to cover a 2 degree by 2 degree field of view. The expected sensitivities of these two systems is expected to be m_v ~ 15 and 18 respectively.

Rundetaarn (Observatory, music, exhibitions)
History of astronomy, Tycho Brahe, Ole Roemer.

SEDS - Internet Space Archive (LPL/Arizona)
An index of astronomy, space, and aerospace web pages.

SciTech Astronomical Research (Telescope Manufacturer)
Design and manufacture high performance automated telescope systems, software, and related instrumentation for research and education. Emphasis on delivering turn-key operations to the customer.

Scope Mall (Astronomy buyers forum and Vendor directory)
A place for astronomers to quickly locate vendors and suppliers of key astronomical equipment.

Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
The Solar Terrestrial Activity Report has an overview of current solar activity as well as this activity's effect on Earth's geomagnetic field. The report is primarily aimed at radio listeners. Solar cycle and solar wind information is part of the report.

Space Astrometry at The University of Texas
Present and future results of space astrometry carried out by researchers associated with The University of Texas McDonald Observatory and the Department of Astronomy.

Space Calendar (NASA)
The Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year. Note that anniversary dates are listed in 5 year increments only, and launch dates are subject to change.

Star Maps for visual use
Use the 68 star maps to find the location of the data you are proccessing!

Strategy For Ground-Based Optical And Infrared Astronomy
McCray Panel on Ground-Based Optical and Infrared Astronomy, Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Space Studies Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1995
Submillimeter Receiver Laboratory (SAO)
Sun, Moon & Earth Applet
This interactive Java applet displays the positions of sun and moon for any date, time and location on the horizon, and on a world map with day and night regions. The times of rise and setting, the declination, the Greenwich Hour Angle of sun and moon, the equation of time and more data are computed.

Supernova Pages on the WWW (list)
Links to a growing list of WWW pages concerning all aspects of research on supernova and supernova remnants. Observations and theory; all types of supernovae; research groups and individual researchers.

TOPbase at CDS : The Opacity Project (TOPbase)
TOPbase is a read-only database system specially designed for general use of the atomic data dervived by the Opacity Project. It contains energy levels, f-values and photoionization cross sections for astrophysically abundant elements.

The Cepheid Distance Scale: A History
A critical review of the Cepheid distance calibration, from Henrietta Leavitt to the Hipparcos mission.

The Pilot Group (Systems for Astronomy)
The Pilot Group has expertise in the design, engineering, and construction of distinctive systems with significant technology content in which our core competency includes custom and semi-custom telescopes and mounts. Our sample mount includes >35°/sec axis rate, >25°/sec2 acceleration, and sidereal tracking better than 0.15 arc seconds.

Tunguska Home Page at the University of Bologna (Italy) (Bologna)
The University of Bologna's official Tunguska Home page. It contains a collection of abstracts presented at the International Workshop Tunguska96 (Bologna, July 15-17, 1996), information about the group of the University of Bologna, data on "Tunguska-related" asteroids, links to Tunguska home pages in the world and related links.

UK Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (UKSEDS)
UKSEDS is the UK's national student space society. Take a look at our web pages for more information on our activities and how to join. The web site also contains information resources related to space in the UK and around the world.

Universe Today
Space exploration news brought to you from around the Internet, updated daily.

VRML 3D Interactive Map of Regional Galaxies (Galaxies in VRML)
This page is a representation of the nearest 150 or so galaxies for which both a visible distance estimate exists along with their red-shift values. They are represented as spheres in their appropriate positions and are color-coded to display their red-shift values. Names appear as you approach them. As you rotate this world you can clearly see a clustering/streaming affect and also a flattened fan-out starting at an area in the vicinity of The Milky Way. The VRML text was generated by a C++ program which parsed the CFA Redshift Catalogue, Version June 1995 (Huchra+1995).

Visual Satellite Observers

Wavelength-Oriented Microwave Background Analysis Team (WOMBAT)
WOMBAT is dedicated to understanding sources of microwave foreground emission and providing the cosmology community with estimates of foreground emission as well as uncertainties in those estimates.
What color are the stars?
Chromaticity and rgb pixel color are derived from spectra for various stellar types/classes. Providing physically motivated colors for astronomy presentations.

Wise Observatory Monthly Astronomical Calendar and Schedule
Generate Monthly Gregorian Calendar with optional Moon Phase, Julian day, Local Sidereal Time, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Moon Rise, Moon Set, Moon R.A. and Dec.
Generate Wise Observatory schedule with observer name and instrument.

X-rays from Hot Massive Stars (XMEGA)
This site is a central location for scientists interested in the problem of X-ray emission from hot, massive stars. It contains a list of current observational projects and planned observations. Schedules of currently planned X-ray observations are also included for those interested in providing ground-based coordinated observations.

Z39.50 Maintenance Agency
This page includes documentation and information related to the development and ongoing maintenance of Z39.50; development of future versions of Z39.50; and information related to the implementation and use of the Z39.50 protocol.

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  ASTROWEB is a database of astronomical and astrophysical resources found on the web. This site is a project of the Foundation for the Adv...